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I have created a set of buttons on a site recommended on this help forum, I was wondering if anyone could possibly tell me how I go about placing these buttons on my website to replace the standard links, eg: live chat, message forums, photo centre and so on. If you need any further information please post back.

Re: Buttons

By buttons i mean the ones on my home page, to be more precise.

Re: Buttons


Re: Buttons

I assumed you were talking about the buttons on your home page, but you havent given us a URL so we really don't know where that is.

If you are dealing with a Bravenet template, or any other template for that matter, the images are usually stored in a separate folder. There may be other files there as well. This folder is probably a good place to upload your new button images. Before modification, the Bravenet template buttons are just references. It's now up to you to replace the image name in the references and then wrap a link around it. As an example, the code for the buttons on a Bravenet template might look like this:


First you need to change image references so they point to the new button images:


Then you need to convert them to actual links. This can be done in the Visual Editor by draging your cursor across the image, to select it, and then using the link icon, specify the page you want to link to. In HTML code this might look like this:

border=0 width="122" height="19">  
border=0 width="122" height="19">  
border=0 width="122" height="19">  
border=0 width="122" height="19">  
border=0 width="122" height="19">

Of course, all of this is just an example, because we don't know exactly which template you are using, but it should give you an idea of what needs to be done.