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Please read here....i need help!

I need help with getting a member login thing on my site, you know the register and then login and have a mebers area on my site. does anyone know how to do that? or put that in?
I really need to get that on the site.
Please people help...thanks. ...
Oh yea and how do i insert my drop down menu,everytime i try to put it in my navigation screws up...please someone help me.

Re: Please read here....i need help!

Some hosts allow CGI_BIN access, for server side includes, and others, like Bravenet, only allow for PHP and MySQL access. In any event, they usually only allow these things on the "top of the line" hosting accounts. Assuming that you have a Pro Hosting Account on Bravenet, go to and do a search on "website login php". Rummage around in the 15 million hits for something that might be suitable. The first couple of pages are usually all you need.

Re: Please read here....i need help!

Do you know how to write the code...that code is really hard!