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Uploading Flash web template

I uploaded a flash template. One folder had 5 txt directories which I was to use for editing the text.

I also uploaded the index.html file.

Along with this I uploaded the flash ".swf" file.

I cannot get the darned thing to work properly. All of the editing I did offline does not show when I view the page in the browser.

Please help.

Re: Uploading Flash web template

Need more info to help. How are you editing the pages and how are you uploading.
You should have a flash file folder with the .fla file(s) in there. It also must be uploaded. Sometimes you may have the .swf and .fla and .html or somewhere else the text is held and edited. Everythings got to get uploaded for flash to work and be in the right place. Don't know if flash works on free sites but it does on pro.

Re: Re: Uploading Flash web template

Also make sure you're not looking at your site from your browser cache. Be sure to refresh as your changes may already be there.