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Can't get photo onto webpage! Please help!

I uploaded 25 photos to my Photo Gallery and just need one to be copied on my first web page.
I've tried everything (but I don't understand htpp codes) I thought I could just copy and paste.
I've worked on this for two days and am about to give up on my website. Can anyone help me????Paleeeeeezzze.

Re: Can't get photo onto webpage! Please help!

I've had the same problem.
I think that it is impossible to change/add photos on your web page.

Re: Can't get photo onto webpage! Please help!

The same problem? How can you possibly have the same problem? There is no information about what the problem is! As far as I can tell, the problem is that neither of you guys have webpages, at least according to your messages.

My first reaction to the "it is impossible" was that this was nonsense. But I guess it is possible that one or both of you has a "webpage" that is created when you join some kind of online community, and is more or less set in stone forever after.

"I don't know http codes" sounds as if some kind of WYSIWYG editor is being used. Someone familiar with your editor might be able to offer help if they knew what you were using.

Re: Can't get photo onto webpage! Please help!

but I don't understand htpp codes

That's a bit like saying "I have bought a car but I don't understand how fill the gas tank"

Re: Can't get photo onto webpage! Please help!

Again, you are both being degraded by someone who knows what they are doing, without them taking into consideration the facts that neither of you have a single clue how to do this.

I am here to help.

What you need to do first, and this is very important is understand that not all bravenet services are easy to use. It is much easier to learn to do this the proper way instead of leaning on services to do the work for you.

I am available to help you learn the necessary coding process to get your sites running the way you wish them to be.

You may contact me on msn=
Yahoo, skype and aol = nightmare1158 or come to my site and leave a message on any of the forums or visit me in the live chatroom there. I will help you learn basic coding so that you do not have to be further insulted by people who believe it is a crime to be new to coding.


Browser: FireFox

OS: windows xp

Re: Can't get photo onto webpage! Please help!

yes there is such thing as a stupid question

People get the responses they get because we are NOT mind readers

we can't answer their questions when information is missing and more

When people say they can't do something on their webpage THEN THEY need to provide us links so we can further divulge into the problem and more

Just saying can't do something may say to me or some others they are just blowing smoke or talk

That is the way things have been around here and more for a long time.

Don't give us enough information then you get people responding the way they do.

Some of us don't want to take the time to guess what could be problem when clear and precise information helps more to solve problems

You have the time to solve everyone's problem then GREAT for YOU.

THe rest of us have our ways so if you don't like it.... then either live with it or something else

Your responses all the time are degrading too

Re: Can't get photo onto webpage! Please help!

Only degrading to those of you who think that you can insult people with your arrogance. These people are new. I try to help and not insult or belittle. If you don't have time to help, then you stay away. I am here to offer what ever support I can, you should be too.

Browser: FireFox

OS: windows xp

Re: Can't get photo onto webpage! Please help!

In the very many fields where I'm totally ignorant, I absolutely prefer being told directly that my questions do not make sense, rather than being patronised by those mixing in their own ego problems. Some are here to help people, not to get traffic for our own sites, or start personal relationships off forum.