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Ambassadors for AA


I'm sitting here thinking what for me being an ambassordor for AA.And i see it that when we are out and about living our daily lives,we should be trying our hardest to be a nice person and try not to hurt or offend anyone with offensive behaviour whether it be from the tongue or in any other violent way.
You see if we act right,people will remember what we were like when we were drunk and will see the difference in what we are like sober and will say god that guy/lady has fair changed and for the better top and if they know it was because we went to AA you never know they may put someone in our paths to help,but if we still go about doing crazy things and upsetting ppl and they know your in AA they will be like well if thats what going to AA does for you i wont or send anyone there.
so remember we are always on show and being an example not only for ourselves and family but for AA.
As ive heard many times a programme of attraction how better to attract than to be a good exmaple to ppl

Glad to be here and sober
wee stewart

p.s maybe what ive said is right maybe its wrong but hey thats ok

Re: Ambassadors for AA

Hi Stewart,

I agree 100%. my sponsor once told me that I may be the only copy of the big book that people will see.It`s a program of change, and people who practice the program on a daily basis tend to be nicer people.
It`s these people who I try to learn from as I journey through my daily life.
As you say, AA is about attraction rather than promotion. treat people as you would like them to treat you.

Good Post Stewart


Re: Ambassadors for AA

Hi Stewart

After a little while in AA I was fortunate to pick a sponsor who did a lot of service work within AA and who was very much aware of all AAs Guidelines and Traditions which he adhered to and he passed on information of those to me as well as encouraging me to do service work first at group level then Intergroup and Region .Each service position at whatever level the person leaving the position ensured I knew what the position entailed and offered me their experience and guidance and support.Those AA members were great Ambassadors For AA too and when the Traditions were breached or something needed to be put right they didnt sit on the fence and keep their mouth shut but stood up and were counted for the Guidelines and Traditions of AA

As Bill W wrote .AA will not be damaged from outside but can be damaged from within
