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SEPARATE WAYS Message Board. A place for fans of Separate Ways to post.

SEPARATE WAYS Message Board. A place for fans of Separate Ways to post.
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Hey guys,

I'm sure you don't remember me but I gave you the ride back to the airport on July 20th, after your great performance at Rock the Park in Montevideo, MN. I just wanted to say thanks for the great trip, it's one I won't forget for a long time. I have heard nothing but good about your performance that night and I get to talk to alot of people at my job. I told Mike, the chief of police, members of the press, and some chamber memebers about what you said about your experience here and they were happy to have the positive feedback. Tell Dan thanks again for giving Darla at Casey's a hug. She had a mile on her face for 5 days. Hope to see ya next year! Again thanks for the wonderful trip to the airport.

A new #1 fan,