Car Buying Q & A


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Car Buying Q & A
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I have a 2006 ford fusion i can no longer afford. went to the dealership i purchased it from and they wouldnt even give me 5 minutes to try to see if they could do anything for me. i still owe way more than its worth- so i know i will have to still pay on the difference if i can get into a cheaper car- but now i dnt know where to turn to.
i am trying to do the right thing but need advise!

Re: help!

Hey, Lisa
For the dealer not giving you the time of day you must be upside down heavy and therefore got no interest in your business, getting into a cheaper car will never work as the lender will not allow the negative factor to be added.

Send me an email with your phone # and best time to call, once I talk with you I will know if there is a way to solve your problem