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Private sales contracts

Is it legal to draw up a private sales contract for selling a vehicle between two "Non-Dealers?" And Is that Contract LEGALLY BINDING?

I want Non-Biased answers Please....

Re: Private sales contracts

I am not a lawyer, but yes to draw up a binding contract buying private will have a lot of pull should there be issues in a court of law.

Re: Private sales contracts

I am always looking for new content to add to my website, if you care to share how you got burned ?

I got an open ear.

Re: Private sales contracts

He hid the fact that the car had trouble and made it look like the car ran fine. In other words a scam. He pressure washed the engine and Changed the oil to hid the fact that It was pushing oil into the radiator and had a blown head-gasket. So now we have to pay 1200$ to get it fixed. And I was looking to find out if you can use a private contract to keep you safe from this sort of scam.