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Car Buying Q & A
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In all of my years as an automotive retailer starting as a salesperson outside 'on the line' all the way thru to having an equity position in my own franchise I have never run into this in any capacity. After reading your question and thinking about it for a second I am surprised it has never come up ... what has come up too many times is the 'money in the glove box' concept when you wonder about or catch your used car manager paying too much for cars for a little extra 'vig' from the seller. Ray nailed the answer one in the process has less influence on what you pay than the salesperson... and it is for this reason and many others that is the case.


Roger "'' MONEY IN THE GLOVE BOX "" you cracked me up,,,LOL,,, you are an ace with answers, and it makes me think at this very moment 99.9% of buyers have never thought of it,,, or have no idea what you're talking about,,, but I love your answer.

Every Q you and I have ever answered has been from the consumers point of view ,,, maybe we should figure a website for registered dealers and salespeople to air out,,, and let consumers visit ???? lol

I will be in touch via email.


FUNNY YOU SHOULD MENTION THAT ...I GET QUESTIONS FROM THE DEALER SIDE all of the time in my LinkedIn groups. Here is one I got recently at allexperts from a salesperson who wanted to have someone give his idea a good vetting before he pitched it to the Dealer principle ...

"Compensation of Saleperson
Question: This may be a little different question.
My friend, who comes from the old school, owns a successful car dealership. He bought me coffee and asked what could he do to attract salespeople that are willing to work long hours so that if the customer comes back later in the day, the sale can be closed by the same salesperson. He complained that the young applicants want a shorter day.
I told him that the modern view is quality of life as well as pay. I have an idea for him, but I ask for your help before I present it to him.
My idea is as follows:
Get two salespeople to work as a team and share commissions. One can work in the morning and the other in the afternoon, with an hour of overlap to talk about customers. They could have business cards that say they are "Team Elite", for example. If a sale is started by one, the other can close the sale when the buyer returns because the buyer has been told to look for the second salesperson who knows all about the deal.
The customer gets good service, the dealership gets some good salespeople and there is cooperation because all commissions by the "team" are split.
Is this being done by dealerships? Please give my your thoughts and any enhancements to the concept.