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Hello everybody, I am Dennis, one of a group of 4 people that is leaving tomorrow towards Sumatra. Info on our trip can be received through this website. We will keep everybody posted and hopefully we will be able to send usefull info back to you guys. Ingrid and Chris, thank for the site and I will call you tomorrow with info. if you hear of something i should take anything else with me tomorrow, pls give me a call. The T-shirts are taken care of, they made them within 24 hours for us and we should be safe wearing tose! big red crosses and INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEER written on front and back!
Regards to everybody at Wat YanYao!

Re: Thailand/Sumatra

hallo Dennis, en de rest van de groep.
Goed idee van deze site, kunnen we jullie steunen in het fantastische werk wat jullie aan het doen zijn, wij wensen jullie een goede reis en pas goed op jullie zelf.

Tot de volgende keer

Re: Thailand/Sumatra

this is dennis. we are leaving for sumatra on wednesday. please contact the guys at this website for more info, since our mobile phones will not work for at least two weeks and there will be no access to the internet. We will be stationed on a boat off the south coast of Sumatra, near Lho Paroe Bay. We will help there with distrubution of supplies, building shelters and mosquito nets, cleaning up the mess the tsunami left behind and all other things needed. Another website for you to visit is www.wavesofmercy.com This is in Malaysia, where I am today. See you all later en bedankt voor de steun! Dennis

Re: Thailand/Sumatra

Hoi Dennis,

Geen probleem hoor, als jij je mail niet kan lezen doen wij het toch op deze manier.
Wij hebben de door jou opgegeven sites al bekeken en zullen je zeker blijven volgen. Je vader en moeder hadden van het weekend de band mee van SBS6 waardoor wij je hele interview hebben kunnen zien. Wij vonden het heel indrukwekkend en erg knap dat je het zo kon verwoorden. Wij hebben nu met onze eigen ogen kunnen zien wat het met je doet. Het moet een hel voor je zijn. Zorg goed op jezelf en trek alsjeblieft op tijd aan de bel als het te veel wordt.

Groetjes van Corrie, Arend, Yolanda, Sandra en Cor en natuurlijk weer heel veel kusjes van Claire en Michelle!!!

Re: Thailand/Sumatra

Hoi Dennis,

Mooie website, ga er vaak op kijken om te zien hoe het met jullie gaat! Foto's ontvangen en het was goed je weer even te zien.
Heel veel succes, ook aan de rest van de groep.

Re: Thailand/Sumatra

Hey!!Dennis.....if u can reply to my msg. plz let me know how r u,where u r,...hope to meet u guys there soon :-)

take care

Re: Thailand/Sumatra

Hallo Dennis,
Was goed je stem even te horen, zijn blij dat je nu kunt helpen op Sumatra, en het leed wat kunt verzachten.


Re: Thailand/Sumatra

We hebben geprobeerd om met de satelliettelefoon in contact te komen, maar helaas is dat nog niet gelukt de afgelopen week, maar we blijven het proberen.
Bij Johan in het cafe' v/h "De Kruidenier in Wormerveer, is spontaan een actie ontstaan, om je te steunen bij het werk wat je nu doet voor de getroffen bevolking op het eiland Sumatra. Er is grote bewondering voor jullie vrijwilligers, met vooral de nadruk op het vrijwillige werk wat jullie doen, zonder een professionele achtergrond, maar de gedrevenheid is er niet minder om.
Johan heeft besloten om de fooien pot van de bezoekers van het cafe v/h "De Kruidenier", te Wormerveer, van afgelopen weekend met instemming van de klanten ter beschikking te stellen voor jou, en Johan heeft het opgehaalde bedrag nog verdubbeld, zodat het bedrag Euro, 241,00 geworden.
Zoals je ziet sta je niet alleen, velen zijn met hun gedachten bij jou en je vrienden daar op Sumatra.
Dennis we hopen spoedig weer met je in contact te komen.
Bertus en Annie.

message for Dennis

Hello Dennis,

This is Tiia from Finland. I received the information about your work at Sumatra. You have a big heart and I wish I could do the same. I am very willing to help your work with the female and charity assosiation that I run. Could you get back to me and I would talk more about it. Not big sums of money but something anytway.

And I wanted to check if I can personally help you with something. In oskari´s message there was a way, but do you have an access to it there?

Please get back to me by e mail or through this site. I will read it.

I wish you all the luck and strenght and remember to take care of yourself too.

reply to tiia from Dennis

thank you tiina for your reply. yes, i have access to the account number that oskari has sent in his email. so all donations are still welcome. it is great to see so many people have donated money. i am in direct contact with organizations that we have worked with in Aceh, Sumatra. For the rest you can always send me a direct email (through oskari maybe) or call me (dito). I am in southern thailand now and will be back on phuket tomorrow to check around and have some time to think. Thanks again and hope to hear from you!

Re: Thailand/Sumatra

Dear Dennis,

I put some money to your account. You know best what to do with it, but please use some of it to yourself to relax and enjoy and collect strength. If you have a family or some other target in mind that I could start supporting for longer period, I would be happy to hear from it. Maybe you could direct 50% of the money I sent to that target and ask someone to contact me either by e mail or mail. Maybe a doctor who could use money to get a medical center work better or a some family that I could help out for longer period.

My address is Länsisatamankatu 22 A
00180, Helsinki, Finland and e mail is tiia.sammallahti@gusto5.fi

Take care!

Tiia PS. Salla says hi!(Planet Hollywood collegue of mine)

Re: Thailand/Sumatra

Hallo Dennis,
Goed te horen dat je weer op de terugweg bent naar Phuket.
Het dagboek en de foto's die je stuurde waren werkelijk indrukwekkend, ga maar eens uitrusten, zodat je geestelijk en lichamelijk weer een beetje je zelf wordt,dat heb je verdiend na 55 dagen onafgebroken je ingezet te hebben voor de slachtoffers van deze grootste natuurramp allertijden, wij zijn trots op je.
Let op dat je je zelf niet wegcijferd,wat je gedaan hebt is werkelijk iets unieks, dat je ondanks de vele tragedies die je hebt meegemaakt dit kon doen is werkelijk klasse. Jij was er voor hun, wij zijn er nu voor jou.
Groetjes Bertus en Annie

Re: Thailand/Sumatra

Hoi Dennis,

Hier even een berichtje van Desmond & Mirjam. Wij hebben via Richard deze websitegegevens ontvangen. Wij zijn dan ook erg benieuwd hoe het met je gaat ??!
Met ons gaat alles verder goed.


Des & Mir

Re: Thailand/Sumatra

Thank you Tiia, thank you very much. I am meeting some people of our team here tomorrow on Phuket and will discuss your offer for long term help. Fantastic! So if I understand right you are Tiia the ex-floor manager of PH Hki? I will see you in the summer in Hki and I will get back to you soon about the donation! Dennis

Re: Thailand/Sumatra

Hello Dennis,

yes I am Tiia from Planet. Good that you got the money. You get back to me when you have time and idea of the target. I can commit to direct help to some target myself maybe 50e /month. My assosiation will be getting together next week and I have to see if the board is ready to support some other target with certain sum of money. I cannot although guarrantee anything on that.

But if you find a family or some other target I could be their helper for a while. I have 2 children of my own nowadays and I can imazing the sorror and dispair there at the moment.

Take care


Re: Thailand/Sumatra

Dear Dennis, Ingrid, Dinny and the greatest chess player ever,
Hello from North Carolina!!! You guys are wonderful. I am taking care of my 92 year old father now. He's having lots of problems and just got a pace maker. But I think of you all frequently. Please be safe and careful. Your friend from Wat YanYao, John

Re: Thailand/Sumatra

Tiia, finding a specific family might be difficult, who do you pick? I really think the best way is to donate to organizations like www.wavesofmercy.com , this is with whom we worked with as well on Sumatra. 100% guaranteed that the money and bought goods and supplies are really ending up with families and people who really need it. We were able to investigate in the villages, find out what was needed and buy the stuff in Malaysia and have it shipped over straight to us and then to the right people. I am sure this is the best way to do it. Maybe some body reading this has another idea... I want to thank you again for being so generous and I will look into the whole thing for you! I will be gone for a few weeks now though, visiting some of the volunteers I met on Sumatra and then travel the region for a bit. Regards to Helsinki!


Re: Thailand/Sumatra

Hello Dennis again,

one more question. How long are you planning on staying in Asia? If you plan to come to Finland in 4-5 months time, there would be very interesting work project that might be good for you. This is just if you have been planning on returning....otherwise it is great that you help people in need there.

All the best Tiia

Re: Thailand/Sumatra

Dear John! Great to hear from you. Can you forward me your email address, so we can stay in touch. I seem to have lost my addressbook.

hope to hear from you!


Re: Thailand/Sumatra

Hi Dennis,
Even een groet
Binnen kort weer even in Holland, heb je verdiend.
maak er een paar leuke weken van.

This forum and site is not a recommendation to travel to these dangerous areas in Asia, it is merely a way to help volunteers communicate with each other. We are not affiliated with any organizations.