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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Easter

You are a free-thinker Shield, just like the Great Prophet Muhammad.I have believed for quite a while that Jesus the Christ was a mythological figure just like Krishan.I believe that these two among other god-men represent the Atma (Over-Self, higher self) that is our true identity.We are beings of light trapped within Maya (illusion) that is born of Ahankar (ego).That we come from Paramatma (Greater Unborn Uncreated Self).Why have the children of God descended into this current state is the Great Mystery.Only the One Formless Lord knows the answer.Guru Nanak tells us it is His Hukam, that we cannot question His Hukam.We are too small for that.This is the reason why you get Jesus and Krishan both saying that "I am the way".Because only through your Higher Self can you make your way to Vahiguru.I know you understand.Sat Sri Akal.

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Replying to:

You're right Onam, there is definitely something fishy about this:


Incidentally, in addition to Jesus' birth being observed by the lunar calendar, the Holy Qur'an offers another clue: there was a date palm with ripe dates nearby. If dates only ripen at a certain time of year, this may be a significant clue as to what time of the year he was born. Then again, for all I know, maybe the dates are ripe all year round in the warm countries.

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Replying to:

mr.nijjhar... christ is not nanak, and nanak is not christ... may have had the same jot but they are not the same, nor are christianity and sikhism the same

i don't know how many times we've repeated that to you over and over and over and over and over and...

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Replying to:

Well, I do believe Jesus had a virgin birth, and was a servant of God. I just don't like the way he has been made into an object of idolatry. Also, because of his time and place of living, his birth ought be reckoned by the lunar calendar, not the solar calendar.

Easter-egg hunts... I have always thought there was something suspect about a celebration that involves encouraging young children to eat small brown eggs allegedly laid by a rabbit...

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Replying to:

True.Also check out the numerous dying and ressurecting god-men (before the Jesus story) who who were born on 25th December to a virgin, having a god as a father: Osiris, Dionysus, Bacchus, Adonis, Mithras...and the list goes on.Something very peculiar here, don't you think?

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Replying to:

The name 'Easter' derives from the name of the Babylonian goddess Ishtar. Most Christian holidays are actually Pagan holidays in disguise.

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Replying to:


By Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.

144, Hamilton Road, Reading RG1 5RE, United Kingdom

Like the Virgin Birth of Jesus, it was a miracle but the men of flesh can

only believe what they can see with their two naked eyes. For example, Simon

Peter was a man of flesh and it were the marvels of miracles that pleased

him the most.

For a detailed discussion on such a topic it is essential that we understand

the three types of disciples that constitute the Church of God and not the

false Church of England headed by Queen, the head of Mammon in Great

Britain. Jesus in Matt.13.33 has stressed this: "The Kingdom of God is like

unto Leaven ("His Word"), which a Woman ("Holy Spirit", the Mother of

"common sense") took and hid in three measures of flour (three types of

people), till the whole (Church of God) was leavened." Flour, which is the

body of Jesus, was not leavened or biased against any views, Jewish or

non-Jewish. Hearts of such a member of congregation are like those of the

little children who are not biased but open-minded. This is demonstrated in

Luke 24-13 to 33 where two men were travelling to Emmaus and Jesus appeared

among their company to know the matters of their hearts. Therefore, the

Bread that Jesus broke at the “Last Supper”, the Baptism of Jesus in Spirit,

was not leavened meaning that His disciples would be “open-minded”.

The three types of people that you come across in a Church of God are:-

1. Men of flesh, BAE MUKH, who can understand only the things of flesh.

Simon Peter before receiving his Wage of the "Holy Spirit" at Pentecost was

a typical person of this type. They are also like the "foot-paths" over

which the Seed ("His Word") falls.

2. Doubting men of spirit, SUNN MUKH, who understand "His Word" but they do

not develop enough "faith" to be convinced of God? Their faith in God is as

deep as the rocky soil and by nature they are very inquisitive or testing


3. Men of faith, GUR MUKH, who are predestined of God. They have full faith

in God but sometimes the worldly temptations, DUBDA, stand in their ways

like thorns to choke the fruit of their faith. Such people do not either

want to see the miracles or test the powers of God before believing in "His


Now, in Jesus/Nanak our covenant is of "spirit" and not of the "letters" or

law. Thus, we have Eternal Life in our Eternal Father, God/Akal Purakh and

this truth, "sons like the Father", is easily accepted by the predestined

men of faith but the other two need convincing. So, Jesus had to appear in

His Astral Body to convince them of the nature of this Spiritual State in

which He could appear and disappear at Will and yet having all the

characteristics of the physical body.

This Astral Body of Jesus was different from His earthly physical body in

that all except by those whom Jesus wished to show Himself up could not see

it. Thus, the clever and unbelieving people like the Judas Iscariot and the

Pharisees and Sadducees, whom John, the Baptist refused to baptise and

termed them as a "brood of vipers", could not see Jesus in His Astral Body

as they used to see Him in the earthly body before His crucifixion on the


Further, Jesus in His Resurrected state never preached His disciples as the

"Last Supper", which was also His Baptism of disciples (Judas Iscariot

excluding - remember the Parable of the marriage of the Son in which a man

who was not "properly dressed" was cast out into hell) in Holy Spirit, was

the Finishing Touch to His earthly Ministry. Therefore, in the resurrected

state Jesus came to re-assure His disciples of His ever presence among and

care of them. Thus, Jesus being the Head of His Church of God looks after

His disciples as He did in the miracle of Saul on Damascus road.

Now, the rising of Jesus on the Third Day was like the Sun rising in the

East in the Morning to dispel the "fog of falsehoods, KOORR" that develops

during the night (religious Darkness) and for this reason, the resurrection

of Jesus is called Easter. As you know Sun is the Primary Source of Light

and so are the Christs/Satgurus, of God, Who preach what is of God and not

of the man as the Pandits/Rabbis, the reflection of Moon used to do.

Although there were many Sons of God, the Suns or SURAJ, but Jesus/Nanak

were the Special anointed Sons of God.

Rabbis in the Middle East teach the moral laws of Moses, the Moon and the

same is true in the East where the moral laws of Shri Ram Chander Ji are

taught by the Brahmins/Pandits. As you know "Chand" stands for Moon, so Shri

Ram Chander Ji or Moses of India was the light of Moon, a witness to the

Light, Sun or God but not the Light as John, the Baptist, a Levi Priest of

Moses was. Further, the Hindu Temples/Synagogues face towards east so that

the very Source of Light that is kept in mind on making the moral laws is

not forgotten.

Thus, we had lunar months in Rabbis/Pandits but we have solar months in

Jesus or the Apostles/Nirmallae Sants. And this is the Age of Christ,

Satguru MATT WAILA, and not those of the Rabbis or Pandits. In order to

honour the First anointed Christ Jesus, Resurrection event could be nothing

else to be known as than "Easter".




Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.

A Jatt of the United Greater Panjab,

Gnostics are the living christs (satgurus) and NOT Christians, of Living

God (Spirit),

Remember that to your Three Gurus mother, father and Pandit, you render


To your Satguru Nanak Dev Ji/Christ Jesus, you render your MUNN or "mind"


To your Sachae Paatshah Gobind Singh Ji, you render your TANN or "physical


as sacrifice.

SACH is bitter but it leads you to heaven whilst SATT is extremely bitter

but it

leads you to ANAND/Salvation.

Falsehoods or KOORRS are extremely sweet, MAKHAEON MITHHA, but they lead you



E-Mail address:


If you're curious

"Why have the children of God descended into this current state is the Great Mystery"

If you believe God has all the answers look within where God is our identity

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Replying to:

You are a free-thinker Shield, just like the Great Prophet Muhammad.I have believed for quite a while that Jesus the Christ was a mythological figure just like Krishan.I believe that these two among other god-men represent the Atma (Over-Self, higher self) that is our true identity.We are beings of light trapped within Maya (illusion) that is born of Ahankar (ego).That we come from Paramatma (Greater Unborn Uncreated Self).Why have the children of God descended into this current state is the Great Mystery.Only the One Formless Lord knows the answer.Guru Nanak tells us it is His Hukam, that we cannot question His Hukam.We are too small for that.This is the reason why you get Jesus and Krishan both saying that "I am the way".Because only through your Higher Self can you make your way to Vahiguru.I know you understand.Sat Sri Akal.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

You're right Onam, there is definitely something fishy about this:


Incidentally, in addition to Jesus' birth being observed by the lunar calendar, the Holy Qur'an offers another clue: there was a date palm with ripe dates nearby. If dates only ripen at a certain time of year, this may be a significant clue as to what time of the year he was born. Then again, for all I know, maybe the dates are ripe all year round in the warm countries.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

mr.nijjhar... christ is not nanak, and nanak is not christ... may have had the same jot but they are not the same, nor are christianity and sikhism the same

i don't know how many times we've repeated that to you over and over and over and over and over and...

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Well, I do believe Jesus had a virgin birth, and was a servant of God. I just don't like the way he has been made into an object of idolatry. Also, because of his time and place of living, his birth ought be reckoned by the lunar calendar, not the solar calendar.

Easter-egg hunts... I have always thought there was something suspect about a celebration that involves encouraging young children to eat small brown eggs allegedly laid by a rabbit...

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

True.Also check out the numerous dying and ressurecting god-men (before the Jesus story) who who were born on 25th December to a virgin, having a god as a father: Osiris, Dionysus, Bacchus, Adonis, Mithras...and the list goes on.Something very peculiar here, don't you think?

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

The name 'Easter' derives from the name of the Babylonian goddess Ishtar. Most Christian holidays are actually Pagan holidays in disguise.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:


By Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.

144, Hamilton Road, Reading RG1 5RE, United Kingdom

Like the Virgin Birth of Jesus, it was a miracle but the men of flesh can

only believe what they can see with their two naked eyes. For example, Simon

Peter was a man of flesh and it were the marvels of miracles that pleased

him the most.

For a detailed discussion on such a topic it is essential that we understand

the three types of disciples that constitute the Church of God and not the

false Church of England headed by Queen, the head of Mammon in Great

Britain. Jesus in Matt.13.33 has stressed this: "The Kingdom of God is like

unto Leaven ("His Word"), which a Woman ("Holy Spirit", the Mother of

"common sense") took and hid in three measures of flour (three types of

people), till the whole (Church of God) was leavened." Flour, which is the

body of Jesus, was not leavened or biased against any views, Jewish or

non-Jewish. Hearts of such a member of congregation are like those of the

little children who are not biased but open-minded. This is demonstrated in

Luke 24-13 to 33 where two men were travelling to Emmaus and Jesus appeared

among their company to know the matters of their hearts. Therefore, the

Bread that Jesus broke at the “Last Supper”, the Baptism of Jesus in Spirit,

was not leavened meaning that His disciples would be “open-minded”.

The three types of people that you come across in a Church of God are:-

1. Men of flesh, BAE MUKH, who can understand only the things of flesh.

Simon Peter before receiving his Wage of the "Holy Spirit" at Pentecost was

a typical person of this type. They are also like the "foot-paths" over

which the Seed ("His Word") falls.

2. Doubting men of spirit, SUNN MUKH, who understand "His Word" but they do

not develop enough "faith" to be convinced of God? Their faith in God is as

deep as the rocky soil and by nature they are very inquisitive or testing


3. Men of faith, GUR MUKH, who are predestined of God. They have full faith

in God but sometimes the worldly temptations, DUBDA, stand in their ways

like thorns to choke the fruit of their faith. Such people do not either

want to see the miracles or test the powers of God before believing in "His


Now, in Jesus/Nanak our covenant is of "spirit" and not of the "letters" or

law. Thus, we have Eternal Life in our Eternal Father, God/Akal Purakh and

this truth, "sons like the Father", is easily accepted by the predestined

men of faith but the other two need convincing. So, Jesus had to appear in

His Astral Body to convince them of the nature of this Spiritual State in

which He could appear and disappear at Will and yet having all the

characteristics of the physical body.

This Astral Body of Jesus was different from His earthly physical body in

that all except by those whom Jesus wished to show Himself up could not see

it. Thus, the clever and unbelieving people like the Judas Iscariot and the

Pharisees and Sadducees, whom John, the Baptist refused to baptise and

termed them as a "brood of vipers", could not see Jesus in His Astral Body

as they used to see Him in the earthly body before His crucifixion on the


Further, Jesus in His Resurrected state never preached His disciples as the

"Last Supper", which was also His Baptism of disciples (Judas Iscariot

excluding - remember the Parable of the marriage of the Son in which a man

who was not "properly dressed" was cast out into hell) in Holy Spirit, was

the Finishing Touch to His earthly Ministry. Therefore, in the resurrected

state Jesus came to re-assure His disciples of His ever presence among and

care of them. Thus, Jesus being the Head of His Church of God looks after

His disciples as He did in the miracle of Saul on Damascus road.

Now, the rising of Jesus on the Third Day was like the Sun rising in the

East in the Morning to dispel the "fog of falsehoods, KOORR" that develops

during the night (religious Darkness) and for this reason, the resurrection

of Jesus is called Easter. As you know Sun is the Primary Source of Light

and so are the Christs/Satgurus, of God, Who preach what is of God and not

of the man as the Pandits/Rabbis, the reflection of Moon used to do.

Although there were many Sons of God, the Suns or SURAJ, but Jesus/Nanak

were the Special anointed Sons of God.

Rabbis in the Middle East teach the moral laws of Moses, the Moon and the

same is true in the East where the moral laws of Shri Ram Chander Ji are

taught by the Brahmins/Pandits. As you know "Chand" stands for Moon, so Shri

Ram Chander Ji or Moses of India was the light of Moon, a witness to the

Light, Sun or God but not the Light as John, the Baptist, a Levi Priest of

Moses was. Further, the Hindu Temples/Synagogues face towards east so that

the very Source of Light that is kept in mind on making the moral laws is

not forgotten.

Thus, we had lunar months in Rabbis/Pandits but we have solar months in

Jesus or the Apostles/Nirmallae Sants. And this is the Age of Christ,

Satguru MATT WAILA, and not those of the Rabbis or Pandits. In order to

honour the First anointed Christ Jesus, Resurrection event could be nothing

else to be known as than "Easter".




Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.

A Jatt of the United Greater Panjab,

Gnostics are the living christs (satgurus) and NOT Christians, of Living

God (Spirit),

Remember that to your Three Gurus mother, father and Pandit, you render


To your Satguru Nanak Dev Ji/Christ Jesus, you render your MUNN or "mind"


To your Sachae Paatshah Gobind Singh Ji, you render your TANN or "physical


as sacrifice.

SACH is bitter but it leads you to heaven whilst SATT is extremely bitter

but it

leads you to ANAND/Salvation.

Falsehoods or KOORRS are extremely sweet, MAKHAEON MITHHA, but they lead you



E-Mail address:


Re: If you're curious


Do you think Gospel is for every one? Not at all but those who are predestined. You need to know christ within you before you can understand Gospel and preach Christianity.

Jesus was a Great Super Servant; then why you address him as a Lord?

Thus the Second anointed Christ Nanak came in 1469 in the name of Satguru Nanak Dev Ji.

Ask Seek

Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Retired Lecturer in Metallurgy
Sahejdhari Sikh/Mussallmaan Pir Nanak Shah
To know Sachae Paatshah Gobind Singh Ji; know Christ Nanak Dev Ji
To know Satguru Nanak Dev Ji; know Christ Jesus
To know Christ Jesus; know Prophet Elijah John
In whose name. John baptised men in water?
No son of Man, no son of God.
Logically Gospel is as simple as ABC.
HOLY SPIRIT, "common sense", SHATTERS
