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Most successful people have sharp minds...

Most successful people have one thing in common. They have learned to solve problems which confound others and stop them in their tracks.

These people are scientists, business executives, writers, poets, engineers, lawyers, doctors, singers,athelets etc..

Everyone who is successful, has one thing in common. He/she has sharpened his/her thinking skills by exercising the mind( brain), by carrying out mind building exercises.

There are numerous books and websites which have these brain building exercises.

Just like one, builds his physical muscles, mind can also be sharpened to think faster and more thoroughly.

It is a misconception that intelligence is only God given. To a certain extent, there are limitiations based on your genetics, but with brain building exercises, mind becomes sharper and more focused.

This sharp and focused mind leads to faster, better decision making, thus increasing your chances of success in your career and personal life.

Just as some one is born with a general pshysical makeup, and through body building exercises, he can become mr. universe, so too, he can sharpen the mind and make it better.

Mr universe with bulging muscles is not born like that, he has worked and exercised his way to it.

The ability to out-think and be sharper than others has the greatest premium.

Look at police officers, and detectives. A police officer walks the beat, and carries out routine duties, while a detective solves crimes, through analytical thinking and deductive reasoning. Both probably started out as police officers, one chose to improve his thinking skills, while the other did not.

A detective is paid more and has a higher rank and all else that come with it.

So my friends, hit the brain building books, websites and train your mind to be sharp and focused. Solve puzzles, and brain teasing questions.

This is especially needed for the children. From early age of 4 or 5, you should get them into the habbit of solving brain teasing puzzles.

It is fun, and it pays great, great dividends. It can be done by any one at any age.

Once you sharpen your mind, you start to see the world in a different way. Where once only one solution to a problem was evident, now you see many more.

It widens your door to success. Try it you will like it, and benefit enormously from it.

Sat siri akal.