Depke Softball Message Board

This message board if for anyone related with Depke Softball. Please post any questions or suggestions here. Our team can use this to comment on anything. Use this to comment on the football picks or anything.

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vrl racin

Hey guy's, Check out who is in 1st place!! oooh yea. Where ya at todd (7th)?? And what the hell is this with you not puting the raiders in your pick's for the super bowl ?? Anyway while your at it why don't you put the Cowboy's up there ?? And let's try and win some races todd. I'm sick of winning all the time ..

Re: vrl racin

Like I've said before the aggressiveness, is always too low for my driver, the lowest his aggressive meter goes is 7, so every week my crew chief says "Tone down the aggressiveness or go into the wall!" So, I'm just screwed unless I fire my driver and get a less aggressive driver. The Raiders are sucking so far they barely beat the Bengals last week!!!!