Depke Softball Message Board

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I hope Alissa isn't crying

Ohh, Alissa, lets take a look at the point standings,SHALL WE!! Lets just say that its a good thing that your name starts with an "A" and mine is a "Y" otherwise, you would be under me, which is where you'll be next week, lol. Good luck next week, (not)

Re: I hope Alissa isn't crying

ok Alissa, you have me beat because of Monday night football, well for this week, see ya at the bottom next week, lol

Re: Re: I hope Alissa isn't crying

Do you see any tears in these eyes Yancy? Nope! Didn't think so....but I bet you were crying like a baby when the Broncos SMOKED your stupid Raiders!! But that's okay...we'll see Mr. Big Talker what happens next week. But I'm pretty sure that if anyone in your family is going to pass me up it will be your wife not you.

Eat my dust Cookie Creep! Yours Truly, Alissa "Football Queen: Wright