Depke Softball Message Board

This message board if for anyone related with Depke Softball. Please post any questions or suggestions here. Our team can use this to comment on anything. Use this to comment on the football picks or anything.

Depke Softball Message Board
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BK...and whoever else, nice pick on the 49ers...

what were you ?
Tell me you're reasoning for picking 49ers who look like crap every week over the Vikings, who are probably gonna when their division ?????

Re: BK...and whoever else, nice pick on the 49ers...

how would u and everyone else know who to pick..if i didn't pick a ringer every week?...i.e...49ers?`

Re: Re: BK...and whoever else, nice pick on the 49ers...

Yeah right kinda like your SAints just watch and see thing Saints...what a joke