Over Coming

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Re: Welcome

Dear Angry_Lover

Thanks again for a lovely work of so much meaning. I know it must have been a hard decision and I know you made the right ones. Each Lady is so so Special to have endured and overcome so much hurt and today they are strong enough to share with many because of you!!!! Much love always and Respect


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Re: Welcome

Angry Lover even though my story didn't win you are worth your weight in gold. The ladies here deserved to win they have endured pain which far surpass what i have been through. and like i said finding your page and writings has been a blessing in my life, I thank god for you everyday where would i be without you???

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Re: Welcome

I think this is nice. I enjoyed reading the stories and the victory of the ladies. Love to all

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Re: Welcome

A_L,Thank You For Allowing Me To Share My Thoughts,And For Being A "Truely Amazing Friend"....

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Re: Welcome

Greetings Angry Lover! I did not envy your decisions. All of these ladies are strong, beautiful and brave and it must not have been easy to choose the ones you did. I pray for all the winners and all those that have endured pain and sorrow within their lives. Many blessings for sharing their story and many blessings to you, Angry Lover for giving them wings to fly....

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Re: Welcome

Angry Angry Angry!!! You have done it again!! I know it had to be hard and I know you made the right decisions. I want you to know I love and admire all you do and all that you are!!!!. Thank you for being you, Thank you for being here!!!!!

Your Princess SusanQ

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Re: Welcome

Hello Angry lover I just want to say i love what you are doing. If i had seen this contest i would have enter but i am new and i must say not only are you talented you are sexy and Handsome!!!! A genius king, reading your page gave me alot to think about being the woman i am. I hope to become one of your friends. Carolann

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Re: Welcome

Hello sweetie. This is sooooo great. I read each lady entry and my heart goes out to them all, So brave .

I finally have one of my pictures up on black Planet. a sistah need to hire her some Angry Lover to work his magic on my pictures.... The eye wink... hehehe.

All my Love and all My Respect.... Evita

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Re: Welcome

Sir Angry Lover, Please email me.

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