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Jook Lum & Chow Gar Disgrace

Anyone got any idea how Lum Sang's Pai got all screwed up? We all know about how Sang's hand picked lineage holder died shortly after he did and then Mark, Yee, Lim and some others started fighting over who was the real lineage holder. Then the Mouth from the South pushed Yee in his magazine only to turn on him and back Mark. We know motor mouth only did 6 months with Mark before he got caught by Mark's daughter lying to other students in order to learn sets Mark didn't think he was ready for. Right after that Big Butt Bamie Boy left Mark claiming to have learned all his kung fu in 6 months. What a joke. All this was years ago and their mouth boxing has continued without stop. Still, no one can point to a single real fight between any of them.

They just troll and trash talk each other. Yee's rep actually was so afraid of Boy Bamie that he struck a deal with him. Guess Yee never taught him how to fight or else the guy is a real sissy. Probably he's just a sissy. Mark's people threaten but never show and from what has been told he has no real fighters. Some troll that goes by Keith J. claims to have fought the Bamie Boy years ago but there's no way that ever happened. People can say what the want about Bamie Boy but he will fight if confronted and that's so very far ahead of anything Mark's people can or will do. They are all very disgraceful and everyone who is real has put distance between them and these groups.

Chow Gar we know is really Chu Gar but Ip screwed it all up by making up a bunch of crap sets he made up from Tai Chi and Bagua. These jokers have over 30 empty hand sets alone and that's a real laugh. Everything Chu Gar has is found in one set which is a long set but seeing Chow Gar people do it is really funny. They're so stiff they look like little wind up wooden men staggering around. There must be some real guys somewhere but where ever they are they keep away from the forums and the tossers that live there.

Two good styles run into the ground by people who post under false names, have never fought anyone, and are such cowards they hide even when caught in their own lies. Too bad there's the Internet as these lying cowards wouldn't have ruined their styles the way they have if they could only write letters. The postage alone would have taken all their money