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I had to come dashing off extremely early this morning to catch mega earlier "Thiefrow" flight. Meant leaving home just after mid-night and to get to M/C, because of weather, etc. taxi took some of the b roads and rat runs to get to A1M.
This was the first time I had been on a couple of the roads whilst sober. Imagine - 12 years sober and haven't driven some of the country roads I used to fly down "nissed as a pewt".
Ive never had these "flashbacks" before but, sitting in taxi, aware of what I'd done previously, of the states I was in while driving, totally ignorant of the consequences if I'd met a car, tractor, combine, etc. coming the other way I realised where I was and what Id done there.
If the police had stopped me I dont think Id be out of gaol yet.
Anyone else had an experience like this, for the first time yet relating to a previous alcoholic career so long ago?