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The reason we have tradition 3

I have put a letter onto the site explaining why traditions are so important to the fellowship.
Please see the link on the home page. and feel free to air your thoughts on the subject.

in fellowship


Re: The reason we have tradition 3

really enjoyed the article and i felt humble and grateful when i read it.i need daily reminders like this to keep me from getting too big for my boots.this article should be compulsory reading for everyone in the fellowship.when i came to A.A. i was accepted unconditionally,nobody knew too much about me,i was welcomed and helped ,i have had a sober and contented life since i came to A.A.thank god there were no restrictions placed in my path.when i see a newcomer i see myself.

Re: The reason we have tradition 3

I am very grateful to the AA members who accpted me as a newcomer etc they were accepted and never judged me
