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2 years ago I started going to AA, I had to try and piece my life together again. It worked. Slowly. I enjoyed my sobriety, so much I started to question if I'd really had an alcohol problem. It's easy to convince yourself you're well when things are going well. I started drinking again. Not much and there didn't seem a problem. I should've seen it coming, last night I hit it pretty hard, sobering up is painful enough physically, mentally it's a nightmare-guilt, shame and regret. I hope I can work it out with my girlfriend, who is more than a wee bit ****** off.. So I'm back to square one in recovery. Just want to say, if you're struggling to stay sober, remember how bad it feels to wake up hungover and ashamed. And don't drink, it's not worth it.

Re: Slipped..

Hi Erik,

Thanks for sharing this. Your message may be the one thing that stops someone who is struggling going back out there. The positive thing is that you are now back in recovery and although things will be looking bleak at the moment, you`ve been here before and can have the reassurance that YOU will get well again and hopefully the trust of those you love will return. Please don`t dwell too much on your slip as its in the past . I`ve been there and know how you must be feeling at the moment. if you want to chat send me an email and I`ll give you my number and we could meet up for a coffee and take in a meeting.

Take care,