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Who was at fault for the housing bubble?

It is my view that the international banking cabal is at fault for and was the driver of the housing bubble, the CDO scandal, the credit meltdown, and the manipulation of the stock market. It is also my view that the efforts on the part of the Tea Party and others to deflect blame off of the guilty parties onto the poor homeowners and duped mortgage holders is both immoral and disgusting.

Re: Who was at fault for the housing bubble?

The sharp economic decline in the world since October, 2008 is the best thing that could have happened to bring people to realize that "man shall not live by bread alone."
The excess and the waste, the consumerism and the materialism, the luxury and the gluttony, the sloth and the scams, the power and the pride..... all these things in our lives have been exposed for what they are, viz. idols and impediments to finding our full joy in God alone. Brother Gary, let us not get into the "blame game" on this matter because this smacks too much of the ever present tendency in our hearts towards self-righteousness and self-justification...("I'm glad I'm not like this sinner here next to me", or S.P or B.O or G.W.B !! ). Let us amend rather than kick.

Re: Who was at fault for the housing bubble?

Thanks for commenting but the blame is important, ie, If we blame a scam and who is behind it or if we blame borrowers who represent the victims of a scam. It is an important distinction. Santelli got it wrong when he called the borrowers "losers", not because they lost but out of his own personal arrogance that they should have known better. I say that the lies given to them about real estate going up shows it is possible that they didn't know better.