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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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blood in urine

Hi Dr. Getty,

I noticed today, there was a bloody mucous discharge in my horses shelter. I am assuming it was in his urine, there was signs that he had urinated in the shelter. He seems totally fine, lots of energy, eating well, eyes look clear and lively.
He is on a diet of timothy/alfafa hay cubes soaked in water fed 4 times per day (maybe 10 pounds total dry weight) and he also receives high fat high fibre Purina chunks twice daily (about 3 pounds). He is between 25 and 30 years old. He cannot eat hay, cannot seem to grind it down enough, thus the cube diet. He is doing very well on it however and has been on it since early November 2004.
Do you have any idea what the blood could be from?


Where are you from? Bancroft, Ontario Canada

How did you locate this forum? just got lucky

Re: blood in urine

Hi Joyce,

I think that this would warrant a visit from your veterinarian. Blood in the urine can be indicative of several problems included plant poisonings, kidney stones, bladder stones, or a kidney infection. Kidney failure is rare in horses, but it can occur with older horses.

Once you have a diagnosis, we can visit again about his diet. Please let me know how he is doing.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: blood in urine

Thanks, I will get the vet over to check him out. Sorry about the second email regarding this, I thought this first one had not really gone, it had disappeard from my screen.
Thanks again, I will keep you posted.


Where are you from? Bancroft, Ontario

How did you locate this forum? just got lucky

Re: blood in urine

I have a eight year old Standardbred mare who was urinating blood. My vet found a large bladderstone by ultrasound and she had to have major surgery to remove the three pound stone. I am concerned as to what her diet should consist of and what type of hay I should be feeding her as well. I would like to prevent any further stones from developing and prevent further surgery. It was equevelent to colic surgery.

Where are you from? amherst,ohio

How did you locate this forum? brouse

Re: blood in urine

Hi Melissa,

It would be important to know what the stone was made of. Was it a calcium, uric acid, struvite, or cystine stone? If you can tell me the type, I can best advise you on how to alter her diet.

All the best,

Dr. Getty