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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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horse loosing weight

Hi Dr. Getty:

I wrote to you back in December or January about my canadian mare I had regarding her lameness in her front leg. It turns out she had severe arthritis along with tenderness in the hoof. She could never be ridden. I had a vet look at her. I had to put her down because she was in pain every day. I only got her in November and got really attached to her she had such a sweet disposition....

Anyways I have a standard bred now and she is wonderful. My other horse however is not. He is a 10 yr old palomino quarter horse and is loosing weight. He eats well... and has pasture from moring to night. He gets feed in the am and at pm. I am also giving him supplements from Blacks...He is very healthy otherwise. I just recently dewormed him. His ribs are showing now and I am getting worried.....The new horse I have has been with us for about 1 month, she is a stall kicker and I am wondering if this would stress him out. She starts kicking her stall at daylight looking for feed, her previous owner says she has always done it since they had her..Should I give him something else with his daily diet, again he gets hay when in the stall at all times, pasture when he is out, and horse feed in the am with his supplements, and feed in the pm. His feed is given to him in a 2lb margaine container. Should I give him something else along with his daily feed schedule? I would appreciate any help or suggestions. By the way the two of my horses get along well, except for the occasional bickering in the stalls, they are beside each other, Thanks so much, Debbie

Where are you from? Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

How did you locate this forum? looking for information sites

Re: horse loosing weight

Hi Debbie,

I'm very sorry to hear about your mare. What a sad situation.

First, let me address your question about your new horse and her kicking. Does she get hay in her stall at all times, like your palomino? That would calm her down considerably, not to mention, avoid an ulcer.

Or she may just be kicking because she is not accustomed to her new environment and it may take time. But, to answer your question – yes, a new horse always produces some adjustment time and may be stressful, which can contribute to changes in weight.

Now, about your palomino… he is either not getting enough calories, or is not metabolizing his nutrients well. So, there are two suggestions I can offer. One, add a feed that is high in fat. Flaxseed meal or stabilized rice bran are both excellent choices. And, second, give him a probiotic on a daily basis that will keep his bacterial flora in good health so he can benefit from the feed you are offering. I strongly recommend Ration Plus.

If his weight loss is sudden and rapid, you should have him seen by your veterinarian to rule out any medical issue. But, assuming that he is in good health, his teeth are in good shape, he is on a regular worming schedule, and he is not exhibiting any major behavioral changes, you can add more calories using a high fat feed and provide him with Ration Plus to help him benefit from those calories and gain weight.

Keep me posted.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: horse loosing weight

Hi Dr. Getty:

In regards to the kicking situation, she has been doing this even before I got her apparently. She always has water,& hay at hand. I think maybe its just a hardwired issue. Her previous owners did nothing to rectify the problem, so she has been doing it for over 10 yrs or more.....

NOw for Sandy (palomino) he is in very good health, his teeth are fine, dewormed, eating very well, active, no changes other than weight loss. I will try some of the recommendations and see what happens....Thanks so much and I will keep you posted........Debbie

Where are you from? Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

How did you locate this forum? looking for information sites

Re: horse loosing weight

Hi Debbie,

Good – I’m glad to hear that Sandy is in good health. You know, Ration Plus may calm down your stall-kicker. It raises the level of B vitamin production, which has a direct calming effect.

Yes, please keep me posted on how Sandy is doing. If you don’t see some weight gain within 2 months, or if he continues to lose weight, even though you are feeding more calories, you should consider having him examined for any underlying medical condition.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: horse loosing weight

Hi Debbie,

I would suggest starting out with ½ pound of flaxseed, twice each day. This is about a 1 cup (8 oz) measure at each meal. Also, when feeding the Ration Plus, go with a double dose (2 teaspoons) each day.

Dr. Getty

Re: horse loosing weight

HI again Dr. Getty:

Thanks again for everything. The Ration Plus should be here within a week. Hope it works on him and perhaps the mare as well...should I continuously double the dose of ration plus at all times? or cut back after a while?.... Debbie

Where are you from? Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

How did you locate this forum? looking for information sites

Re: horse loosing weight

Hi Debbie,

I would feed a double dose until he reaches his optimal weight. And, then you can cut back to a daily dose of 1 teaspoon/day.

Dr. Getty

Re: horse loosing weight

Hi Dr. Getty:

Thanks again, I will keep you posted on what is happening.....regards Debbie

Where are you from? Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

How did you locate this forum? looking for information sites

Re: horse loosing weight

Hi Dr. Getty:

Since I last written to you, I have had my palomino on flaxseed and the ration plus. I must say WOW what a difference in him now...he has put on the weight, no ribs showing now....he is all over looking great! As for my mare who kicks her stall, she is still doing it, not as much but still doing it. I have come to the conclusion that its a spoiled thing,so I will live with it she is a great horse, kind, gentle, no dirt in her at all........she is however getting the odd bump on her, she is 18 yrs old could it be an age thing or a fly thing. She got one on her face just after I got her, its kinda going away now. I heard from someone who has had workhorses all his life that sometimes flies can lay their eggs as they bite the horse and the bumps arrrise from larvae and if you squeeze them the worm comes out......? Gross I know but is this true? Thanks for all your help....I will continue the flaxseed and ration plus.....Debbie

Re: horse loosing weight

Hi Debbie,

Wonderful news! I love hearing success stories!

Those bumps you mentioned could be from insect bites, causing a collagen granuloma beneath the skin. It is generally harmless. If they get a lot larger, consult your vet. The "worm" you speak of can be bot fly larvae, so you want to watch for infestation around the legs and lips.

Thanks so much for the update!

Dr. Getty

Re: horse loosing weight

Hi my mare is 24 and she has been loosing a lot of weight, i have been giving her weight gainer, i got her teeth done, but nothing seems to work. Do you have any suggetsions?
Thanks! Donna Woodward

Where are you from? Etlan Virginia

How did you locate this forum?

Re: horse loosing weight

Hi Donna,

Weight loss can be a result of several problems, the most common of which is poor teeth. However, you mentioned that her teeth are in good shape. So, continue to have them checked/floated every 6 months if necessary.

Proper worming is also important in maintain adequate weight. And, you're on the right track with that.

A change in location, or any stressful event can trigger weight loss. If your mare has recently lost a buddy or a new horse has been introduced, this could result in weight loss. Competing for food or hay is also something to rule out.

You didn't mention what you are feeding her, but an adequate level of fat in the diet is very important for maintaining weight in older horses. Flaxseed meal is very helpful. Consider Nutra Flax.

Also, I recommend Ration Plus to help her get all the calories she needs from her forage. Ration Plus will boost the overall health of the bacterial flora in the hind gut.

These are a few ideas, however, it could be more complex. A complete bloodwork analysis would be warranted along with a medical examination.

Please let me know if I can assist you further.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, Colorado

Re: horse loosing weight

hi again i have been also given her hard keeper in her senior feed. iam going to try corn oil too in her feed. and i will try to call you on the phone soon thank for your help Donna

Where are you from? Etlan Virginia

How did you locate this forum?

Re: horse loosing weight

Hi Donna,

That's fine to add. I'll look forward to hearing from you.

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, Colorado

Re: horse loosing weight

Dr. Getty,

Would you also recommend NutraFlax and Ration Plus for a 20yo horse who is hypo-thyroid with a history of laminitis?

He has always been an easy keeper, but is losing weight now for no apparent reason. He's currently on SafeChoice & some basic vitamins you've recommended in the past, plus Thyo-L. His thyroid levels are perfect as long as we maintain him with the Thyo-L. Vets can find nothing wrong with him, he's just getting ribby as he gets older.

Thanks so much!

Where are you from? IL

How did you locate this forum? Google

Re: horse loosing weight

Hi Monica,

My first thought was that his dosage of thyroid medication is too high, causing him to lose weight. So, if you can cut back on this a tad, that may be the fix. And, have his bloodwork tested every 3 months.

Also, his teeth can play a major role in weight loss. They should be floated at least once each year, but some horses require it done every 6 months.

Yes, Nutra Flax and Ration Plus are fine for him. But, I would want to know what it causing his sudden weight loss, since he is not that old and it is generally caused by underlying factors. So, if you want to delve further, please let me know.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Bayfield, CO