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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Likit Horse Toys

Hi Dr. Getty,
I have just one horse that I at keep home. I was looking into getting him some sort of toy to occupy him. I found a horse treat/toy on the internet called Likit. There are a couple different options from a hanging toy to one the horse can roll around on the ground. They come in several different flavors including a salt lick and electrolyte. I coulnd't find where they list the ingredients and wanted to ask if you have heard of them and what you thought of them.

Thank you.

Where are you from? Casper, WY

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Re: Likit Horse Toys

Hi Lori,

I was not able to find the ingredients either. However, from the description, it seems like a product that will ease boredom. It can’t, unfortunately, take the place of a horse’s inherent need for being part of a herd (even a herd of two is fine).

As you probably know, horses are herd animals and feel very vulnerable without a buddy. It doesn’t have to be another horse. Most horses do fine with a companion such as a donkey or goat.

I can tell you care about your fellow, hence the reason for my suggestion.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: Likit Horse Toys

Hi Dr. Getty,
I appreciate your advise. I agree that horses need a buddy. I get the feeling from my horse that he is lonely eventhough he can see the other horses in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, my finances are pretty tight and I can't afford to feed another horse but have thought about a mini or maybe a donkey. I'm going to look around my area to see if I can adopt a companion for him.

Where are you from? Casper, WY

How did you locate this forum? search

Re: Likit Horse Toys

Hi Lori,

Wonderful! Perhaps you have a local rescue society near by that has some companion animals available. Keep me posted on what you come up with!

Thank you for being such a good horse mom!

Dr. Getty

Re: Likit Horse Toys

Wow, I haven't said anything in a while.
Hello Lori,

If I may, a goat is very inexpensive to keep. If your hay is locked up so he can't get into the bales, he (or she) will pick up the scraps of hay around the barn, munch on weeds, and share with your horse, as long as your horse is not food agressive. Tequila won't share with a goat, he once grabed one by the scruf with his teeth and tossed it over the pipes in his stall. I am not kidding. So keep compatability in mind. But if you got a pigmy goat and just feed your horse an extra pound or two of hay, the goat won't need to be "fed" per say. Plus it makes an adorable picture.

As to the lickit treats. My horse loved it, but he would consume one entire refil a day, and from tasting it (I know , I'm nuts) it seams like mostly sugar, so I did not want him to eat 3 a week, (plus it gets expensive). He had fun, but my smart ass figured it out to fast. I have not seen the roll around on the floor ones, but one of my old friends had a horse who she bought one for.... He, also being a smart ass, stood on it and chewed it oped to get the treats, permanently ruined it and almost collicked to boot.

So, really, what will work for your horse entirely depends on his personality. Hope you find something good for him.

Where are you from? CA

How did you locate this forum? originally, google