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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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amount of feed

I just had a ?. I started my Tb gelding on ultium. He also gets 2 lbs alfalfa pellets a day along with free choice hay or grass. He is fairly active both jumping and 4-5 hr trail rides on weekends. Im feeding him about 7 lbs aday. the bag said to feed 3.5lbs per feeding according to weight. he is 17h and slighly under 1200 lbs. Is this too much?

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Re: amount of feed

Hi Kevan,

For a big guy like that, and the level of activity he is getting, the amount you are feeding is fine. Keep offering him as much hay and/or pasture as he wants, plenty of fresh water and he should do great. If his weight starts to change, you may have to adjust the amount, but you don't want to feed more than 3.5 pounds at each meal.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: amount of feed

I also have a 3 yr old qh gelding just under 1000lbs. he gets 6lbs of ultium a day and 2 lbs of alfalfa along with free choice hay. Is this too much for him? he is an easy keeper and gets worked pretty good. He has alot more energy on this feed. Should i cut him back?

How did you locate this forum? internet

Re: amount of feed

Hi Kevan,

6 lbs/day is likely fine. It truly depends on the horse. I would suggest taking a baseline weight using a weight tape or tape measure, and see if it changes within one month on this amount of feed. If he is gaining weight, cut back on the Ultium. But, keep in mind, you may want to add a multiple vitamin/mineral supplement since he won't be getting as much of the complete ration.

Dr. Getty