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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Is grain neccessary

I have a 9 year old brood mare who is open...relatively easier keeper...looses some weight in the winter but is in good flesh come spring. My other horse is a 24 year old Tb. She has a relatively good amount of weight on her right now. She is a little ribby but she is always ribby...has good muscling and fat in her hind quarters etc just always has the ribby look some TB's have. Not neccessarily an easy keeper. With winter fast approaching I'm wanting to get my feed prepared for the winter. Is grain neccessary for either of these mares? If so what is the best thing I could feed for grain...should I feed senior to my aged mare or should I feed something else. Thanks for you time.

Where are you from? Ohio

How did you locate this forum? Paint Horse Lovers' message board

Re: Is grain neccessary

Hi Joyce,

No, actually grain is not necessary for weight gain -- in fact, it is much easier (and safer) for horses to gain weight by feeding extra fat.

I would recommend two things:
1. Flaxseed meal for additional fat, fat soluble vitamins, and quality protein, and
2. Ration Plus, to assist with weight gain by allowing the hind gut bacteria to better digest forage.

Keep me posted!

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Flax Seed Meal

you've probably posted this in other forum questions but where do I buy flaxseed meal? At would the local feed mills carry it and it what quantity would I feed it?

Where are you from? Ohio

How did you locate this forum? Paint Horse Lovers' message board

Re: Is grain neccessary

Hi Joyce,

Most feed stores do not carry flaxseed meal. It is available on line, for the most part. I like the product Nutra Flax because it is stabilized with vitamin E and of excellent quality. I offer it (along with other products that I recommend) in my free-shipping store. If you go to my homepage - and click on the store, you'll see Nutra Flax in the alphabetical listing.

The best start would be once scoop, twice each day. This is appropriate for most horses. Build up slowly, however.

All the best,

Dr. Getty