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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Did my mini have colic?!


Today when I went to feed my mini pony (she is 34" tall) she was laying down. It took me about 5 mins to get her up. I went ahead and fed her, becouse she is foundered and I thought that her feet were just bothering her. When I shut her in her stall to eat she just turned around in a circle and crouched down like she was goung to lay down. Then she layed down. Well, then I ran in the house to go get the stethascope. I listened and I did not here any bowel movements. I ran into the house to tell my gradmaother and we walked her around. She wanted to go strait to my big horse who was out grazing. When she was about 30 yards away from him she layed down. We did every thing we could to keep her from rolling but she did anyway.
As soon as my mom got home after I called her she did everything she knew to do from working for a vet. We couldnt afford to take her to the vet being that we just spent $450 on my dog becouse he was having seizures. We decided to give my pony a fleet enima. We gave her two becouse one was for 6ft of colon and we know that horses have 12ft of colon. We walked her a little longer and we noticed that she had been eating a little grass we did not know why. We guessed it was good. After walking her we put her back in her stall. She ate some oats. We left her for about 10mins and my mom went out and came back with a shovel full of poop. I hope that she will be ok but we dont really know what is/was wrong with her. Please help if you can!!!!!!!

Thank you very much,

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Re: Did my mini have colic?!

Hi Skye,

Well, it sounds like the crisis is over since she finally passed some manure. Colic simply means a "belly ache" and it can be mild and it can be severe. She likely did have a mild form of colic. Walking her was the correct thing to do. If she has another attack, you can likely give her an IV injection of banamine, if you have any on hand --
1 cc/100 lbs.

So, what you'll want to do now, is figure out what caused the problem. Perhaps her meal is too large? A mini pony has a very small stomach, so don't feed more than 1 lb of feed at a time. And, you mentioned that she foundered -- a horse who has experienced laminitis should not be fed grain, none, ever again. This may also have contributed to her colic.

So, the best thing to do is feed her a grass and hay diet. Add some alfalfa to her hay mixture. You can offer her a small meal of beet pulp or alfalfa pellets, to mix a vitamin/mineral supplement.

Hope all goes well. Colic can be very frightening. So, I am happy to hear that she got through it without any problem.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: Did my mini have colic?!

The food we feed her is crimped rolled steamed oats and hay grazer she has never had anyproblem with that. She eats 2lbs a day. What do you recomend that we do with those foods or if you are sure that that is bad for her, what else should we do.

Thanks buches,

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Re: Did my mini have colic?!

Hi Skye,

Since she has had an experience with laminitis, you should discontinue feeding oats, in any form. I would suggest feeding her beet pulp or a low starch commercial feed.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: Did my mini have colic?!

Dr. Getty,

My mom said that we can't get beet pulp in Texas. What kind of comercial food were you suggesting. Our feed store is out in the boonedocks. We need to know a few specifics if possible.

She seems to be doing much better. We got her hooves trimmed yesterday and she is getting around very well. We had a vet tell us that when she is down that we could give her human asprin. Should we give her bute, or is the human asprin okay? Is the hay grazer ok to feed her? I cant think of the specific name of it right know. It's on the tip of my tongue.

I also have a question about my big horse. We feed him a mixture of high energy horse and mule feed, oats,cimped corn and Mormans fat suppliment.
(I think thats what its called) Do you think that food is good to feed him?


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Re: Did my mini have colic?!

Hi Skye,

I live in Texas and I feed beet pulp, so, perhaps it's just not available at your local feedstore.

See if your feedstore carries Nutrena's SafeChoice. That is a low starch feed.

The feed that you're giving your other horse is too high in starch to be healthy and safe. Horse's digestive systems are just not meant to handle a large amount of grain. So, the Safe Choice would be good for your other horse as well.

All the best,

Dr. Getty :)

Re: Did my mini have colic?!

Thanks Dr.Getty. I might have someother questions for you later. I will look for that food next time I am there.


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Re: Did my mini have colic?!


My ponie is doing great.
Thanks for your help!!!!!


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Re: Did my mini have colic?!

Excellent news, Skye!

Dr. Getty