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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

   Welcome to my forum. 

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Currently, I am discontinuing new questions. This may change in the future, but in the meantime, please know that It has been a true pleasure serving you. 

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And finally, look for my articles in a variety of local publications and online newsletters, as well as the Horse Journal, where I am the Contributing Nutrition Editor.  


All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Common questions

Hello Dr. Getty
I have a couple random qustions I've been asked or heard answered several different ways depending on who was answering.
1) Do you need to supplement electrolytes in the summer to a horse with a moderate work load, whose already on a commercial grain mix and brome hay?

2)Will biotin really help with hoof growth and overall condition, in an animal that is prone to cracked walls?

3)Is it alright to water your horse right after exercise? will it hurt anything?

4)Is sorghum or millet hay going to cause any problems if fed exclusively?

5)Is there any reason to see elevated respiration rates with brome or wheat stubble pasture. (no other supplementation to pasture)?
Thanks for your time

Where are you from? upstate NY

How did you locate this forum? google search

Re: Common questions

Hi Kiel,

1) I don't recommend feeding electrolytes except in cases where a horse is sweating a great deal and does not have access to feed or pasture. However, most horses do not get enough plain salt, so a plain, white salt lick, or even having loose salt available, is a good idea.

2) Actually, yes, biotin will help improve cracked hooves. However, a horse also needs the essential amino acids lysine and methionine, as well as manganese and zinc, to produce healthy hoof tissue.

3)Most horses do just fine drinking water after excercise. It shouldn't be ice cold, however.

4) Grain hays are very nutritious and can be fed as the only hay. However, they often contain pieces of grain, making them unsuitable for an overweight horse or one that is prone to laminitis.

5) About elevated respiration rates -- this would not be caused by eating a quality pasture. However, if the pasture is down to the stubble, the horse will likely be more inclined to eat toxic weeds, which can interfere with respiration. In my opinion, a comprehensive multiple vitamin/mineral supplement is a good idea because there will always be gaps in the diet when a horse eats the same thing day in and day out.

Thanks for writing!

Dr. Getty