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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Worming Rotation

HI, Dr. Getty: I've seen a couple of different worming rotation charts. I know that you live in TX, like I do, so I'm curious if you can recommend a rotation for me that works in our climate.

Thank you,

Where are you from? Boerne, TX

How did you locate this forum? Friend

Re: Worming Rotation

Hi Jennifer,

My preference is a daily worming program because it kills the early-stage larvae horses pick up before they penetrate the body tissues.

But a daily wormer will not kill bots, tapeworms or encysted cyathostomes (encysted small strongyles). So, in the early late fall/early winter, I recommend administering Ivermectin to kill bots.

In early spring, I suggest a combination ivermectin/praziquantel to kill bots as well as tapeworms.

Encysted cyathostomes are killed to small degree by a daily worming program. But, for many horses, they would benefit from a yearly purge dosage of fenbendazole at twice the normal dosage for 5 days (such as Panacur Powerpac). Moxidectin can also be used instead to replace the ivermectin dose in the fall but I only recommend it for healthy horses.

All the best,

Dr. Getty