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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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cresty crest

Hi Dr.Getty
I have notice my 3yr.old belgian's crest flopping from side to side alot,so decided to cut off her mane What I found was a big fat crest.I've been sweating it out,but also thinking is there anything as far as feed that I can do? She gets (now) 2 flakes alfalfa aday and ration plus I cut out all grains,and she is worked everyday. Thank you.

Where are you from? az

How did you locate this forum? been here before

Re: cresty crest

i have a belgeon with the same neck and i jut cut out grain too! what is that?

Where are you from? Maine

How did you locate this forum? typed in equine nutrition forums

Re: cresty crest

I don't know Sas,but it is ugly.Like some donkeys have it and I don't like it.Some people say that it can stay like that if you let it go. gladys

Where are you from? az

How did you locate this forum? been here before

Re: cresty crest

Hi Gladys and Sass,

A cresty neck is a fat deposit that horses exhibit when they experience some level of insulin resistance. The best solution to this is to feed Quiessence -- this is mainly a magnesium supplement which improves the body's usage of insulin, thereby reducing the amount of circulating insulin in the blood. The result is less fat storage. Quiessence can be found on my website's store.

Thanks for the excellent question!

Dr. Getty

P.S. Eliminating grain is also excellent and very important because grain stimulates the release of insulin -- something you want to diminish.

Re: cresty crest

Thanks Dr.Getty,
I look at this product everytime I'm at your store and something tells me get it,get it....I guess it's time to get it.Should I keep using the neck sweat too? She's a BIG BABY 18hh how much should I feed her? gladys

Where are you from? az

How did you locate this forum? been here before

Re: cresty crest

Dr. Getty,
I just looked at the product again and it saids something about "kidneys"???? I failed to tell you about her very wet stall all the time,you think she has a kidney problem too?

Where are you from? az

How did you locate this forum? been here before

Re: cresty crest

Hi Gladys,

Horses that are insulin resistant often exhibit signs similar to people with type II diabetes, including excessive thirst and increased urination. So, this could very well be the issue with her urinating a great deal.

If she had kidney problems, you would notice other health issues, so the only way to confirm this would be, of course, be to have your vet do bloodwork, but this does not sound like the issue.

She IS a big girl! Give her 4 scoops of Quiessence per day until you see results. Then drop it down to 2 scoops.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: cresty crest

Thank you so much Dr. Getty.
Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving.
I just put my order in,and hope 2006 brings me healthy horses. gladys

Where are you from? az

How did you locate this forum? been here before

Re: cresty crest

Hi DR.Getty,
I just recieved Quiessence and started my girl on it. My question is..How will this reduce the fat in her neck and will I see changes soon? It seems to be getting fatter that her neck is bending over slightly.
What else should I do? I am really worried.

Where are you from? az

How did you locate this forum? been here before

Re: cresty crest

Hi Gladys,

Magnesium (that Quiessence contains) reduces the secretion of insulin. Horses that have fatty deposits, such as a cresty neck, generally release too much insulin into their bloodstream. This causes the storage of fat. So by reducing the amount of insulin in the bloodstream, you reduce the amount of fat storage.

You need to give it a 2 to 3 months to see dramatic results. Adding exercise will improve the situation much faster.

If you feel that there is something medically wrong, I would certainly suggest ruling that out by having your vet look at her. "Flopping from side to side" does not sound normal, especially for a 3 year old.

Keep me posted.

Dr. Getty

Re: cresty crest

Seeing how I always float my horses teeth in Jan.I guess I can call him in early. Thanks Doc.

Where are you from? az

How did you locate this forum? been here before