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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Rings in the hoof

Hello Dr. Getty,

In the last two months I started to observe rings in my Lusitano's Stallion hoofs (especially in one hand). I’ve read some sites namely, where I learned that these rings may come from changes in nutrition or it may be a consequence of laminitis. He does not look lame. Do you think the horse needs some supplements? Could I give the horse Laminex?

Sorry for my English.

Best regards

Antónia (Portugal)

Where are you from? Portugal

How did you locate this forum? Google

Re: Rings in the hoof

Hello Antonia,

Yes, the rings can be caused by poor nutrition, leading to hoof problems. And, they are also a result of laminitis. So, unless your horse has experienced laminitis, or is prone to developing this disorder (overweight, Cushings syndrome, insulin resistance, high starch diet, etc.), there is no need to feed laminex.

Your horse would likely benefit from a comprehensive multiple vitamin/mineral supplement. Take a look at Accel on my website to give you an idea of what I mean. Perhaps you can find something similar in Portugal.

Thank you so much for writing!

All the best,

Dr. Getty :)

Re: Rings in the hoof


Dr. Getty

Thank you very much for your help. I will buy accel.

Best regards,


Where are you from? Portugal

How did you locate this forum? Google

Re: Rings in the hoof

What you are describing is what my farrier calls protein rings. He says he can tell when his clients have been using a lower protein hay. When the hay has low protein the hoof develops these rings. When they get a load of higher protein hay the rings stop growing. He says he has seen 3 and 4 rings on the hoof.

Re: Rings in the hoof

Hello Elyce,

Thank you for your help. But unfortunately my horses don’t have hay, they eat a cereals mixture from provimi with 12% protein (6 times a day – I have automatic feeders) and 5Kg of oat straw. They also have paddocks 24h a day. Hay is very expensive in Portugal.

What I think it happened was that I gave the horses for 3 months wheat straw (since it didn’t rain in Portugal last year the crops grew very little and there was to much wheat in the straw). According to Dr. Getty the rings can be caused by a high starch diet.

I’m thinking of giving the horse a mineral supplement for the hooves and a mineral supplement to balance is diet.

I know that for horse owners in the States or in Northern Europe is strange to give straw but here in the South is normal because the climate is dry.

Best regards,


Where are you from? Portugal

How did you locate this forum? Google

Re: Rings in the hoof

Hi Antonia and Elyce,

Poor nutrition, which includes not enough protein, and too much starch, along with a deficiency in several vitamins and minerals, can lead to poor hoof growth, which can show up with these rings. So, you're both right!

Antonia, if you can add some high protein feed such as flaxseed meal or soybean meal that would be very helpful, since straw if not particularly nutritious.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: Rings in the hoof

Dr. Getty

I’ve been looking for flaxseed meal or soybean meal but it’s not easy to find so I’m going to buy Alfalfa pellets. So the horse’s meal will be: the grain mixture 6 times a day, Alfalfa one time a day and oat straw during the day.

I’m only in doubt about the quantities. The alfalfa I’m buying has 16% protein so I have to be careful about the quantities because my horses are only ridden to times a weak in the winter. They have the paddocks but that is not enough.

Do you think this is a right decision?

Thank You


Where are you from? Portugal

How did you locate this forum? Google

Re: Rings in the hoof

Hi Antonia,

The alfalfa pellets will be fine. But, it's not the protein content that concerns me -- it's more the high calcium levels. But, since you are feeding straw, that will balance it out.

I would suggest starting with 1 lb of pellets per day (approximately 400-500 grams).

If you can find a supplement or feed that has omega 3 fatty acids, that would also be helpful.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: Rings in the hoof

Hello Dr. Getty

Thank you again for your advice. I will give them 500 grs a day and see how they react. I will try to find a supplement with omega 3 fatty acids. I think it will be easy because I’ve already given one of my horses a supplement and I think it had omega 3.

Best regards and thanks.


Where are you from? Portugal

How did you locate this forum? Google