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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Feeding a pregnant mare that has laminitis

My 12yr old AQHA mare is 8 months pregnant and at 7 months started to founder.I caught her right away and put her on straight timothy hay and now she is sound again but is still a good 75lbs overweight.She gets free choice minerals and salt,1/2 cup of beet pulp, 5 flakes of timothy hay and msm/gluclosamine/vitamin c supplement(for arthritic knee).I want to know if this is sufficient nutrition now that she is coming into her last trimester of pregnancy?Do I need to give her more or anything different?I wanted to staart giving her safe choice by nutrena but not sure I should?I would greatly appreciate any advice you can give me.Thanks Caralynn

Where are you from? Bitish Columbia,Canada

How did you locate this forum? Browsing The Web

Re: Feeding a pregnant mare that has laminitis

Hi Caralynn,

You're wise to ask about her diet during her last 3 months of pregnancy because her energy needs increase dramatically. Now is not the time to get her to lose weight. After the foal is born and she is lactating, she will find weight loss to be much easier. And, at that time, I would recommend giving her Quiessence or another high concentration magnesium supplement. But, not now while she is pregnant.

I would suggest that you feed her beet pulp in large quantities and provide her with a complete vitamin/mineral supplement designed for pregnant mares. Nutrena Safe Choice is a good feed, but it already contains added nutrients and it would be difficult to get the correct amount that she needs through supplementation. So, you're better off feeding beet pulp, along with some alfalfa hay or pellets. A small amount of alfalfa will be beneficial for improving her protein quality, which is very important during pregnancy.

Happy Foaling!

Dr. Getty