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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Crazy horse

Hi, again I'am writing to you about my TB, he is very herd bound, my goofy Arab got the gate open, so him and my shetland went and got some breaky at the neighbors and left my tb home, he could have went with them through the gate but his a very good boy and will not go through the gate unless he is being led. Well this upset him something terrible and he ran back and forth along the fence until he was soaking wet,whinning the whole time, so I went out and tied him up to check his legs to make sure he didnt hurt them in his frenzy and he got freaked about???, he then reared straight up and when he came down he landed on top of the barbed wire breaking 2 strands of it, luckly I was able to get out of the way, I didnt think I was going to though, after we calmed down a bit,I checked him out and there was blood everywhere, I was so scared I thought under his winter hair he must have huge cuts, but after a very good inspection he only had 3 very minor nicks, the wire must have poked a vein, the way it was bleeding, but it stopped quickly, the only other cut that was bad was on his foot, from pulling on the fence to get his foot back under himself. Now normaly he is a very normal horse, he is so lazy when not undersaddle, but if his buddies leave without him 'All hell breaks loose'.Right now he is on the other side of the side of the fence, with a very nice straw bed to lay on, since he is very sore and I built a manger and put about 60lb of hay in it so he can just eat and relax, but I really need to get something for his nerves, so he can relax, eat and get better.
Any help will be great.

Thank you so much

Where are you from? canada

How did you locate this forum? internet search

Re: Crazy horse

Hi Jenni,

Oh my goodness! I had a very similar situation happen to my TB a few years ago and it was terrifying. Watch his wounds closely -- be sure to clean them thoroughly with an antiseptic wash and then treat them with a topical antibiotic.

To calm him down, there are couple of choices. I offer Modipher EQ Mist on my website which is very effective. You can also look for tryptophane -- this is an amino acid which increases the formation of serotonin in the brain -- the body's natural tranquilizer.

There are also herbal calming agents that you can consider.

Keep me posted on his progress.

All the best,

Dr. Getty