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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Fractured pelvis


My Tb gelding has fractured his pelvis and through advice from a vet we are confining him to a stable for 6weeks. Is there any supplements i can give him to help the healing process?

Also what is the best type of hay, i am currently giving him a both pasture and lucerne hay, is this ok?

I am also feeding him hard feed (lucerne and oaten chaff with weight lifter), is this the right thing to do?

Thanks for you help,


Where are you from? Yass

How did you locate this forum? google

Re: Fractured pelvis

Hi Georgia,

Oh my -- that is a very painful injury. Yes, you will want to provide supplementation to his diet to give him the nutrients he needs to build new tissue.

The lucerne chaff and pasture is excellent. But, also get a good overall vitamin/mineral supplement. You should also give him three other supplements -- vitamin E -- 5000 IU per day, Vitamin C -- 20,000 grams per day, and Vitamin B 6 -- 500 mg/day.

These will help build new collagen, the protein matrix of bone.

Keep me posted!

Dr. Getty