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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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DR.Getty, hats off to you!

I am about to introduce beet pulp, and ration plus for an old girl who I think may be having trouble getting nutrition out of hay.(good grass alfalfa mix) The hind gut is constantly working, she is constantly eating but seems to lose weight during winter months a little bit more each year. oddly enough she does great in summer on grass. So I was wondering if you can you help me with portions? I would greatly appreciate any ideas you can give me thanks!!!!
marcie & Nugget

Re: question

I also would like to add flax to her diet. is this all to much at once? and the other question is this- I can only get whole flax seeds, should i crack them for her? Can she get all she needs from whole seed?
thanks again I will await your reply.
seasons greetings

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Re: question

Hi Marci,

Thanks so much for your patience!

Ration Plus, in a double dose (2 teaspoons a day) is very effective in helping your horse gain weight.

I would also suggest feeding beet pulp -- approximately 2 lbs (dry) per meal (you didn't mention if you're feeding anything else, so adjustments need to be made if you're offering another feed). You can soak it, if you like, though this is not at all necessary and most horses prefer it dry. Have water near by, of course.

Flaxseed meal is an excellent addition. You must feed it ground in order for her to get its benefits. Nutra Flax is the product I suggest. You can read more about it on my website store link. You can certainly grind your own, but only a small amount at a time, because it can easily go rancid. Nutra Flax is stabilized with vitamin E, so it lasts far longer.

You can give her 1 cup/day of flaxseed meal. But, start out slowly and build up. It often gives many horses gas!

Keep me posted on how things are going!

Happy Holidays!

Dr. Getty