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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Low Starch/Low Sugar for founder

I have an 11 yr. QH that has been foundered in the front. In your opinion what is the best feed that is low in the sugars for him. I presently have him on Purina Stragedy, but someone said maybe Triple Crown Low Starch might be less than the Stragedy. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Where are you from? Illinois

How did you locate this forum? internet

Re: Low Starch/Low Sugar for founder

Hi Vicky,

Thank you for your patience in my getting back to you.

Founder can have many causes, but is generally a result of too much fermentable starch in the hind gut, leading to the destruction of important bacteria.

So, all starch should be eliminated from the diet. Therefore, you are correct is reconsidering the Strategy feed and replacing it with a low starch feed. Strategy is grain-based. Triple Crown Low Starch is an excellent replacement. Others include Nutrena's Safe Choice and Purina's Ultium.

If your horse is also overweight, I would strongly recommend feeding Quiessence. If your horse suffers from chronic laminitis, then also consider supplementing Laminex. The amount you would supplement would depend on how much of the complete ration you are offering.

I hope this is helpful. Thank you for writing.

Happy Holidays!

Dr. Getty