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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

   Welcome to my forum. 

Here you will find more than 6 years of questions and my answers. It is searchable and offers a great deal of information. 

Currently, I am discontinuing new questions. This may change in the future, but in the meantime, please know that It has been a true pleasure serving you. 

Take a look at my Nutrition Library and Tips of the Month for a variety of answers on selected topics. Be sure to sign up for my monthly e-newsletter, Forage for Thought

I also have a growing number of recordings on "Teleseminars on Nutrition Topics that Concern You" as well as the new, Spotlight on Equine Nutrition Series -- printed versions of favorite teleseminars.

And finally, look for my articles in a variety of local publications and online newsletters, as well as the Horse Journal, where I am the Contributing Nutrition Editor.  


All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
This Forum is Locked
Follow up question to Pellets and Automatic Feeders

Thank you for your feedback. One more question. Would it be OK to switch between pellets and flakes randomly (for example, when I am traveling to have them on pellets and when I am home to put them back on flakes) or is there concern of colic?


Where are you from? Salt Lake City

How did you locate this forum? Internet

Re: Follow up question to Pellets and Automatic Feeders

Hi Todd,

If you're refering to hay flakes and hay pellets, then there is less chance of colic since they are similar forage products. If, however, you are talking about a complete ration pellet, then you really shouldn't take the risk of changing the diet back and forth like that. The bacterial flora in the hind gut become adjusted to their diet and sudden changes can be dangerous.

Happy New Year!

Dr. Getty