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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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i started the beet pulp 1 week ago, added life line phase 5, 4 days ago, and for christmas recieved vita stress, (all in pellet form). I do soak the beet pulp, then just before going to the pasture add the life line on top. yestarday I noticed she had no appitite. this am I noticed mucus in her nose, and on the ground where she is standing.(her eyes are running also) looks like she has been pawing at the ground. I hear noise in her hind gut, its not quit as grumbly as normal, as far as I can tell. In the time I was there(1hour) I heard her cough 1 time. At one point it looked like she had a cramp in the back part of her belly. Does this sound like an adverse reaction to any of these newly introduced feeds? Does this sound like colic to you. wondering if I should walk her or leave her alone. Also one last thing to mention is that I noticed what i thought may have been swollen glands, behind her head at the top of her esophogus. Could this be the case? I am hoping that she has a simple cold any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

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Re: re:question

Hi Marci,

What you described could be colic, so it is very important to make changes to the diet gradually over a week to 10 days.

However, some of the symptoms sound like an infection. If she has a fever, it is best to contact your vet. She could have a cold (viral), or a bacterial infection, which would require antibiotics. So, if she has not improved, I recommend you get some medical attention.

All the best,

Dr. Getty