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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
This Forum is Locked

A very Happy New Year to you!

I have been looking for a digestive add for my horse. He was scoped last year in January and was found to have a ulcer. It was treated, but he is still a nervous horse and a picky eater. I have learned, if I'm correct, that a digestive aid would be helpful. A earlier post you headed me towards Ration Plus instead of a probiotic. Since, I have learned of a company O.Hinkle that have natural substance in there supplements and the FORCO Supplement looks to me it could work for my horse. It is suppose to support the tract from stomach to colon. I wanted to check with you to see if you have heard of this company and what your thoughts are.


Hi Kasey,

If you'll send me the ingredients of this supplement, I'll be happy to look it over. I prefer a prebiotic like Ration Plus rather than a probiotic, since a probiotic does not contain all of the microbes that exist in the hind gut. But Ration Plus helps feed existing microbes, thereby allowing them to multiply and improve the health of the digestive tract.

In addition to Ration Plus, it is very important to allow your horse to graze on grass and/or hay 24/7. This will help the ulcer heal.

All the best,

Dr. Getty