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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

   Welcome to my forum. 

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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Feeding issues

Hi: I have a 14 yr old arab/qh mare (FAT) and a 17 yr old TB whose hold his weight well. I have the TB on Horsemen's Edge pellet and sweet which works for him, but my arab tends to gain way too much weight. I put her on the TC Lite - she hated it and wouldn't eat it and became somnewhat unhappy. Could you recommend a feed that would give her all the vitamins she would need and NOT have her gain tons of weight? (she really is FAT). Both horses are not ridden consitently. Thank you. Lisa

Where are you from? Massachusetts

How did you locate this forum? Another horse site

Re: Feeding issues

Hi Lisa,

There is a company called Poulin Grain that makes a new feed called Equi-Pro Carb Safe Complete. You might consider trying this one. I believe it is available in your area.

In addition to this feed, I strongly recommend giving your overweight horse a product called "Quiessence" -- this is a magnesium supplement that is very helpful with insulin resistance (which most overweight horses suffer from, which is why you want to feed a low starch feed). You can read more about Quiessence at this address:

All the best,

Dr. Getty