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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Feeding a Pregnant Thoroughbred Mare in Foal.

Hello Dr.Getty,My question is,My Mare is in her 8th month of pregnancy I want to make sure that her and the foal are getting the correct amout of feed.Right now she is recieving about 6 lbs of Triple Crown Growth along with 3/4 bale of hay.Is this enough food for her and the foal or should I increase her amount.Also if I gave her some oats beside her feed and hay would there be any benifits to this for the mare and foal.Thanks for your time

Where are you from? Scranton,Pa.

How did you locate this forum? Looking for websites on Feeding Broodmares.

Re: Feeding a Pregnant Thoroughbred Mare in Foal.

Hi Jack,

6 lbs per day should be adequate for now, but I would suggest that you add some alfalfa hay to her hay ration to provide the additional protein and calcium that she requires. I would not add more oats, since there are plenty of oats in her feed.

She's now entering her last 3 months of pregnancy, so you will likely need to increase the amount of Triple Crown you're feeding. You can do this gradually, building up to 8 or 9 lbs ( I assume that you are weighing her feed, since a scoop cannot tell you the weight). But, you'll need to feed her more than twice each day to offer her this much feed. Any more than this, and you should consider adding flaxseed meal to her diet for additional calories.

So, give her as much hay as she wants, add a couple of flakes of alfalfa to her diet, and offer her slightly more feed over the next 3 months. Plenty of water, and plain salt, and you're all set!

Happy Foaling!

Dr. Getty