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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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mare that turns her nose up to grain!!

Hi again Doc, we are having some great weather here in Maine!
I would like to know about a suppliment that helps horses appetite? I have a mare that seems to go on strike with her grain. She will all of a sudden want nothing to do with eating it. Teeth are fine, healthy as a horse, and drop dead gorgeous...
She is eating Vintage Senior because she turned her nose up to trotter (which you say has too much starch in it anyway) She really likes it although she is only 8. I have her on 8lbs a day, wheat germ oil, hay stretcher pellets and wheat germ oil. Oh she is a 17h shire/tb cross. Big girl and is in work almost everyday at 2nd level dressage.
I have always had problems with her eating grain. She is a real snobby queen type mare (if you know what I mean) I have heard there is a suppliment that increases appitite and helps with digestion.. Is there such a thing?

Where are you from? Maine

Re: mare that turns her nose up to grain!!

Hi Sass,

I think you are referring to Ration Plus. This will boost the health of the bacterial flora in her hind gut, making the production of B vitamins more efficient. This will definitely increase her appetite.

Dr. Getty

Re: mare that turns her nose up to grain!!

oh thank you so much, i just couldnt remember what that was!

Where are you from? Maine