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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Troy Feasts on Rye Grass

Hi Dr Getty Well Troy found an open gate last night and had an all you can eat feast for at least 8 hours on very green rye grass. I dosed him with some Quiessence and Ration Plus and will continue doing this for a few days. We have had heavy rains and very cold temps so I worry about sugar content. Do you think he will have a new bout of laminitis and if so how soon do you think we will see symptoms?

Re: Troy Feasts on Rye Grass

Hi Elyce,

You did the right thing by dosing him with both products, especially Ration Plus. It is very unlikely that he will develop laminitis after the fact. If he was going to have a problem, it would have happened very shortly thereafter.

You see, the sugar content of grasses, if consumed in large quantity, can reach the hind gut where it would be fermented. The resulting acid would kill off the bacteria, resulting in endotoxin production, leading to laminitis. But, by giving him Ration Plus, you allowed the bacteria to multiply more rapidly, thereby protecting against losses.

So, I expect all will be well.

Keep me posted.

Best regards,

Dr. Getty