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Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition

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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Gourmet Oats

Hi Dr Getty- glad you're back.
My horses want to know who is making the prettiest, heaviest, most delicious oats!!! I have tried bag after bag of "feed store" whole oats and they all look so puny. Remember, I do not want the "hull-less oat", just good old timey fat plump oats!!!! Save me from my futile searching!! ( The horses said to hurry!)Thanks in advance ;)

Where are you from? GA

How did you locate this forum? surfing

Re: Gourmet Oats

Vicki -- you make me smile!! Very cute message!

Well, I don't have an answer for you. Oats are packaged by several feed companies, and your best bet is to go with a name brand.

Of course, as you know, I recommend that you limit the amount of oats you feed, depending on the workload of the horse. Horses' digestive systems were never intended to consume large amounts of grain.

Tell your babies, "so sorry, I couldn't be of more help!"

Dr. Getty

Re: Gourmet Oats

Well, ok, I will break it to them......we need a horse cooking show don't we? Like a Molto Mario in the pasture.......
I DO know about limiting the starches,(thanks, professor!) I think the oats are a farsight better than some ol sweet feed....and they hate beet pulp. Just don't even try.
Oats? I am barely giving them a good man-handful....they are mainly living on Tim-Alf and pasture....The oats are an afterthought to sneak in any vitamin or supplement I want to...Thanks!! Hope you are feeling better after that rough time you just went thru.... Sunny days and happy trails are ahead!

Where are you from? GA

How did you locate this forum? surfing

Re: Gourmet Oats

Hi Vicki,

Sounds like you've got it all going very well! Yes, we need a cooking class for horses -- sounds good to me!

Have you seen my Galloping Gourmet Elite Treats? They are very good -- I've tasted them, so I know!

Dr. Getty