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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Minor sugery recuperation and antibiotics

Hey Dr Getty,
I have some new concerns for Tequila I am hoping you can help me with. This will be a bit long, sorry in advance.
A problematic absess on his shoulder has become infected for the third time (it has been lanced twice)and popped. I had a surgeon out to determine underlying causes. He found thick scar tissue from a wound previous to my ownership and there was debris from over four years ago logged four inches deep in Tequila's shoulder. (Imagine watching a vet pull pebbles and small bits of hay from deep inside your horse). Anyway, he is on the road to recovery now, and in two weeks will have the stitches removed. He is on a course of antiotics and bute.
The first question is, is there anything I can give him nutritionally to support hm through this time of healing? He gets accel, Quinessence (which, by the way has melted off most of his fat deposits), and acti-flex 4000 in rice bran pellets and ground flaxseed. I thought about direct fed microbials for the flora in his hind gut, but accel already contains something like that.
My second question is that I have to mix anyibiotics into his feed twice a day and I did not want to double his bucket. If I split it in two the antibiotics are too concentrated and he wont eat it. I decided to give him a small amount of weat bran in the morning with his quinessence pellets and antibiotics. He loves a wet mash so it is easy to get him to eat. Will this be a problem?
Thanx for your help, sorry this is long, it has been a stressful week.


Where are you from? California

How did you locate this forum? Google

Re: Minor sugery recuperation and antibiotics

Hi Jamie,

Poor Tequila! (and poor you!) At least is sounds like the foreign substances that are causing a problem are finally getting out of his body.

You're feeding him very well. If you're only giving him one scoop of Accel each day, I would suggest that you double it until he gets well.

Also, the number of microbials in Accel is not enough to protect him from the microbial loss from the antibiotics. So, while you're giving him antibiotics, I would suggest a stronger probiotic. I'm about to put a product on my website that I suggest for this this of situation. It is called Daily Start. I'll have it available this evening -- just go to the store home page and you'll find it in the alphabetical listing.

About the wheat bran mash... add some rice bran to it, so it isn't completely foreign to his system. Adding something completely new, especially when his bacterial count is compromised by antibiotics, could cause colic. So, take it slow by adding more of what he's used to eating.

And, one more thing -- while he is on bute, add a couple of tablespoons of canola oil or corn oil (I prefer canola) to each meal, if he'll eat it. This will protect his stomach from the damaging effects of bute.

Keep me posted. Look for the Daily Start around 7:00 pm (your time) this evening and give this to him for as long as he is on the antibiotic treatment.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: Minor sugery recuperation and antibiotics

I did give hm a few days to adjust to the wheat bran, I just gave him a handful or two with some rice bran at first.
I was giving a heeping scoop accel, so it is like one and a half. I'll make it two level scoops until he is better.
Add two tablespoons Canola oil, thats because corn or canola oil is good for ulcers right? He should eat it, he is ussually not picky, if it is food, not heavy in medication, he's happy.

Thanx Dr Getty

Re: Minor sugery recuperation and antibiotics

Hi Jamie,

Excellent -- you're doing everything right. Yes, the oil is to prevent an ulcer.

How long will he be on antibiotics? If it's only for 5 days, you won't get Daily Start in time. But, if it is longer, it is best to get him a probiotic that has very large amounts of CFUs -- in the billions (10 to the 9th power).

Dr. Getty

Re: Minor sugery recuperation and antibiotics

He will be on antibiotics for at least two weeks. I will check my local feed stores for a probiotic that is adequate.

I did not know that bute was hard on his stomach. I guess it is kind of like asprin can be hard on human stomachs.

Re: Minor sugery recuperation and antibiotics

Hi Jamie,

Sounds good.

Yes, bute can cause ulcers and is more damaging than aspirin. Actually, I prefer using aspirin with horses than bute for that reason.

Keep me posted on how things progress.

All the best,

Dr. Getty