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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Quiessence plus ???

Your website - what a find!!!
I own a Morgan mare who had a "slight case" of founder (vet said not even stage 1) a year ago last Sept. She had been given a SMALL amount of alfalfa by mistake and was "too fat" and the vet thought that sent her into a laminitis attack. She is now eating approx 16# of grass hay and has been on Quiessence - 1 scoop, 1 c Buckeye Gro N Win, 1 C black oil sunflower seeds two times a day. I let her get a bit too thin with some muscle loss and now i can't seem to build that muscle back up again. Should I continue feeding Quiessence? Reduce to 1 scoop? Other supplements? We no longer have the wood chewing or "apple" eating issue but I feel that perhaps she is lacking somehow. Quiessence has really helped with her nervousness/skittishness that we were dealing with prior to laminitis and I don't want to go back there. Any suggestions based on this info?

Where are you from? Colorado

How did you locate this forum? google search: dcarb vs. quiessence

Re: Quiessence plus ???

Hi Ann,

I would suggest that you decrease the Quiessence to 1 scoop per day, since he doesn't appear that she has a chronic laminitis issue.

You're only feeding a small amount of complete ration, so she would benefit from a comprehensive vitmain/mineral supplement to fill in the gaps. Accel is an excellent choice for your situation. It will also provide additional amino acids to boost the quality of her protein intake.

But, since she needs to put on some weight, she would benefit from a safe fat source such as Nutra Flax flaxseed meal. You could also add some stabilized rice bran.

I would also recommend Ration Plus to help her gain weight. This will help her gain more calories from the hay that she's eating.

Keep me posted!

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: Quiessence plus ???

Thanks so very much for your reply - it is all so confusing especially when worrying about repeat laminitic episodes!

I have been giving her the 2 c/day of Buckeye Gro N Win as a balancer to the hay but know it is far too little. Would you recommend discontinuing the Gro N Win when I begin using the items you recommend? Does it add anything not included in your recommended items? Does she need anything else? Also, I am feeding her the black oil sunflower seeds because I had heard that an older vet had said they can help move the sand/etc through the colon. (I also feed a pysillium product monthly.) Have you ever heard of this?

Thanks so much!!

Where are you from? Colorado

How did you locate this forum? google search: dcarb vs. quiessence

Re: Quiessence plus ???

Hi Ann,

You can continue with the small amount of Grow N Win while feeding the Accel supplement along with the other items I mentioned. That won't be a problem.

Sunflower seeds are high in fiber, which does help things move through the gastrointestinal tract. And sunflower seeds, themselves, are very nutritious. However, the psyllium is sufficient for preventing sand colic; you don't necessarily need to feed the sunflower seeds for this purpose.

The flaxseed meal and the Ration Plus will be your best bet in helping her gain weight, along with the as much grass hay as she wants.

Keep me posted!

All the best,

Dr. Getty