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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Milk Plus

Hi Dr. Getty,
My broodmare seems to feel great since I made the changes you suggested back on Feb. 22nd. She likes the Safe Choice better than the Youth and Milk Plus better than the Mare Plus. My question is... I don't understand the feeding chart... Am I suppose to be increasing the Milk plus from a 1/4 lb. My mare weighs @ 1050 lbs. The chart says this:
Begin feeding at a rate of 0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) per head per day with good quality forage or feed. Increase gradually over a 2-week period to recommended levels below.
Feeding Table (per head per day)

% Bodyweight/Day

Foals 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.0%
Weanlings 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.0%
Yearlings 0.5 1.0 1 1.75%
Gestating Mares 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.75%

For some reason I just don't get it. I don't want to increase too much, but I want her to get enough vitamins & minerals, especially since she is 310 days along.

I sure would appreciate your help!!

Where are you from? Austin Texas area

How did you locate this forum? Thersa Jones referred me

Re: Milk Plus

Hi Lynette,

Yes, the instructions are very poorly written, I agree!

Since she is at 310 days gestation, I would go with the max amount of .50% of her body weight and then increase it to .75% in two weeks.

So, at 1050 lbs, give her 5.25 lbs each day for two weeks. And in two weeks, give her close to 8 lbs each day. Continue at this level until she foals. Then you'll need to increase it.

Be careful about her meal size. You'll need to feed her several times a day to keep her meal size to no more than 3.5 to 4 lbs each.

Happy Foaling!

Dr. Getty

Re: Milk Plus

Hi again... Maybe I should go back to the Mare Plus. I already feed my mare (who is about an 8 on the condition scale) 8 1/2 pounds of Safe Choice per day. If I feed her 5+ pounds of Milk Plus in addition to her food she'll be eating all day. She really isn't eating that well right now because her stomach is being crowded by the baby.
What do you think? That's a lot of Milk Plus to feed, Isn't it!

Where are you from? Austin Texas area

How did you locate this forum? Thersa Jones referred me

Re: Milk Plus

Hi Lynette,

Yes, I agree -- I was concerned about the amount to feed.

Instead of Mare Plus, I would go with Mare/Foal 11-P (you can click on the link for more info). It is more comprehensive than Mare Plus and more economical. It is also pelleted and quite palatable, so she is likely to eat it better.

Keep me posted!

Dr. Getty

P.S. Do you have Theresa's Jones' book, The Complete Foaling Manual? It's a must have! Here is the link:

Re: Milk Plus

Thanks for your quick reply!! I am going to order some of the Mare/Foal II-P today. I sure appreciate your help.
I did get Theresa's "Complete Foaling Manual" and have read it clear through. Now I'm re-reading all the ways I can help if needed. It's getting very close. Nice to know those vitamins & minerals are for the foal too.

Thanks again!! Lynette

Where are you from? Austin Texas area

How did you locate this forum? Thersa Jones referred me

Re: Milk Plus

Hi Lynette,

I know how excited you must be! Hope all goes well and that you sleep with one eye open in the barn so you don't miss it!

Dr. Getty

Re: Milk Plus

The Mare/Foal II P is a grat vitamin, Both my mare amd her filly are doing great on them. My mares Mane & tale has grown longer than ever with these vitamins, and she's very shiney. The filly's growth rate is nice and steady. Thank you for you help!!
The baby will be four months old in a couple days and I'm feeding them in separate stalls right next to each other so I know how much they are getting. The baby is getting @ 4 lbs of SafeChoice a leaf of alfalfa in the AM & the PM plus the vitamins twice a day and she gets to graze in a pasture part of the day.Her mother provides lots of milk... I've cut her grain down to 6 lbs. a day so she will stop producing so much milk. She also gets a leaf of alfalfa in the AM Oh yeah they also get ground flax twice a day. Does this sound satifactory?

Where are you from? Bastrop Texas area

Re: Milk Plus

Hi Lynette! I took a look at the photos you sent me and she is gorgeous!!! Congratulations and you are doing a fine job!

You're doing fine with the foal. I would recommend a little more alfalfa, however.

For mom -- she is still lactating and will likely be for another couple of months? (I would suggest you wean no sooner than 6 months). So, she needs the extra energy that the feed provides. She also needs more alfalfa.

Once the foal is weaned, you can change the mare's supplement to something other than Mare/Foal IIP. You'll have to let me know more about her to give you a suggestion.

Keep up the great work! And, I am so pleased to hear the good news!

Dr. Getty

Where are you from? Colorado