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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Flax seeds vs meal

Hi Dr Getty,
It's me again. I have been using natural raw whole flax seeds that I grind fresh in the coffee grinder every day and then soak in a little water for my horses. I ran out of the whole flax seeds and the store only had the flax meal. I used that for a couple days until they got the whole seeds in. Which do you think is better... freshly ground flax seeds or the meal?
By the way, when my mare (Jackie) has her baby I'll send you a picture!

Where are you from? Austin Texas area

How did you locate this forum? Thersa Jones referred me

Re: Flax seeds vs meal

Hi Lynette,

Flaxseeds should always be fed as a meal (ground) rather than whole because the outer hull is too hard to be totally digested, leaving the nutritious meal inside undigested.

So, you can grind them yourself if you like, as you mentioned, though I would not soak them in any water. Water will accelerate the destruction of the several vitamins in the meal.

I use Nutra Flax -- it is a stabilized flaxseed meal that has a shelf life of 6 months and is fresh and easy to manage.

I am so looking forward to your new baby! Yes, please do share a photo!

Best regards,

Dr. Getty