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 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Normal weight?

Hi Dr. Getty,

Just wondering, what is a "normal" weight for a 5 year old, 15.1hh barren mare, draft cross. Used for pleasure riding, not ridden in winter. She is currently 1200lbs (by a weight tape), and is quite solid, but I can't feel her ribs even by pushing, but she doesn't look really fat, just looks good; to me anyway! No big belly or anything. She is fed 2 lbs oats (1 lb, 2x day), and about 24lbs grass hay over 3 feedings per day. I cannot free feed her because she will continuously eat no matter how much I put in front of her! Good worming schedule. My vet says she is overweight, and to reduce her hay to 16 lbs/day. I am afraid she will be hungry too much with only that...or am I being too generous with her? I give her the oats so she will eat her vitamin/mineral powder and I do give her about 4 oz fresh ground flaxseed with each feeding of oats. She has never foundered and is generally healthy. Thank you for any advice....

Where are you from? Ontario

How did you locate this forum? Surfing

Re: Normal weight?

Hi Lillee,

1200 lbs for a draft cross of her size sounds very reasonable. As long as she doesn't have fat deposits on her crest, shoulders, and tail head, she is likely fit. Rather than decrease her hay, I would suggest helping her build some muscle definition by exercising her more.

You know, ironically, if she goes without eating for many hours and it is causing her stress, her cortisol levels (stress hormone) will rise, leading to fat storage. So, I would recommend spreading her hay around so she has to walk and "search" for it more. That way, she won't stand in one place eating constantly and she'll satisfy her nibbling instinct.

If you'd like to send me a picture, I'll be happy to take a look at it and tell you what I think. Many vets like to have horses on a scale of "4" on the Body Condition Scale. I prefer a "5." Click on the link for this scale (it is a pdf file) and you'll be better able to judge how she is doing.

All the best,

Dr. Getty

Re: Normal weight?

Thanks, Dr. Getty,

My vet scored her at an 8. Fat along withers, behind elbows, tailhead, and cannot feel her ribs at all.... But otherwise, she is healthy, and she will run around her pasture (about 2 acres) 6 to 8 times in a row with her pasture-mate. He gives up before she does! I have reduced both their grain rations to 1/2 lb 2x day with their mineral and flax, and 3 feedings of hay, 22 - 24 lbs total. I do not want to reduce their hay since that's all they really have to look forward to during the winter! It is a good grass mix, timothy/brome, no alfalfa, but I do give 5 or 6 "cubes" of alfalfa in their feed buckets. Her pasture-mate is a gelding, and he scored a 6, but she is boss, so takes whatever food she wants from him...she can eat faster. I will try to post a picture of her for you soon, I don't have a digital camera, so I will have to get someone to take pictures of her for me. Please let me know if just a side shot is okay, or would you like some pictures from the front and rear as well? The snow is slowly melting now, so I am hoping to soon ride her again, or at least lunge her when the footing is better. Thank you for your response...hope all is well.

Where are you from? Ontario

How did you locate this forum? Surfing

Re: Normal weight?

Hi Lillie,

Well, I have a much better idea of how she looks by your description, so a picture will not be necessary, though I always enjoy seeing my clients horses! And, it would be nice to have a picture (side shot) as a baseline.

You really should try to take some weight off of her because extra weight will dramatically increase her tendency toward developing laminitis. I would suggest two things:

1. Stop feeding oats entirely. Starch will increase her insulin levels, making her store fat more readily. Instead, you can feed her beet pulp mixed with some flaxseed meal. Or you can purchase a low starch complete ration.

2. Give her Quiessence or another magnesium/chromium supplement. You want to give her 5 to 10 grams (5000 to 10,000 mg) of magnesium each day, along with at least 2 mg of chromium. I do ship this product to Canada, however, I cannot offer free shipping.

Magnesium and chromium will help reduce the amount of circulating insulin in her bloodstream and allow her to burn more fat while she's running around. So, please do consider giving her this. You will see a difference.

Keep me posted!

All the best,

Dr. Getty