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All the best,

 Dr. Getty 


Ask the Nutritionist: Dr. Getty's Forum for Equine Nutrition
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Poulin grain

I have switched over to TC Lite for my one horse. If I was to go with Poulin is there a feed like the Lite that can be feed in small amounts, but get all vit./ minerals? Right now he is getting 2#/ day. Once the grass comes in more he will probaly not need as much. The low carb feed that Poulin makes is that comparable to the Lite. I love the quality of both the Lite and the Senior that TC makes. It smells so fresh, unlike other brands I have fed in the past. The TC is a little more and farther away, but I feel it is of better quality. Is this correct? I can easily get the Poulin grain products if there is not much of a difference. What is you opinion on which is better regarding the TC Lite and TC Senior compared to Poulin Senior and Poulin Low carb or something that could be fed in small amounts. Thanks, Kristi

Where are you from? VT

How did you locate this forum? horse nutrition google

Re: Poulin grain

Hi Kristi,

There isn't any such thing as a complete ration where you can feed a small amount and get all of the nutrients needed. However, you could add Triple Crown 12% Supplement as a top dressing and this would give you all the extra vits/mins you need.

I have never seen the Poulin feeds since they are only available in the northeast. I like Triple Crown very much, so I would suggest that you stick with it.

All the best,

Dr. Getty